{44} Mine [Series 2]

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© All Rights Reserved - 2013 S. M. Palmer

♥︎♡♥︎ KEIRA ♡♥︎♡

{Friday, August 5, 2011}

I'm woken up the next morning to someone lightly shaking me. I flutter my eyes open and realize it's my husband shaking me awake. Grinning widely at me, he sets a tray down on the bed and I notice the contents sitting on the tray. "Good morning, sunshine," my husband replies cheerfully to me before leaning in and pecking me on the lips. "Happy anniversary."

"Awh, thanks, baby. Happy anniversary to you too," I answer. "Um, but don't you have work today?"

"I called out this morning," he replies, shrugging.

I grin at him. He sits down beside me and we start eating breakfast.

When Derek wakes up, Colby goes into the kitchen and feeds him his breakfast. Chucking my hair into a messy bun, I enter our closet and dress myself in my hot pink Aeropostale sweats and my black camisole tank. I'm addition, I swipe on some black eyeliner and mascara.

Entering the kitchen, I find my husband struggling to wipe Derek down as he keeps wiggling around and giggling. I stand there for a second and watch them. After a moment, Colby gets Derek to sit still and finished wiping him down. Smiling to myself, I advance over to my hubby and son and kiss Colby's cheek. "Thanks for feeding him his breakfast, baby," I reply, tickling under Derek's chin.

"You're welcome," he answers.

I fork over another smile.

Once Derek is situated on his play mat, I plop down on the couch and fish my iPhone out. I update my Facebook status to 'Can't believe that on this day, two years ago, Colby and I said I do. These past two years have been an adventure for us. He's helped me through so much stuff and I'm so thankful God picked him to be my soul mate. Now two years later, we have an amazing son whom we love so much and I wouldn't trade him or my husband for anything! I love you so much, baby! Happy Two Year Anniversary! :D' feeling excited and tagging 'Colby Trent Middleton' in it.

Within five minutes, I receive a comment on it. Natasha Jenkins: 'Happy anniversary baby doll! Thanks for being my best friend; I love y'all so much!'

I comment back with: 'Thanks, bestie'

A few moments later, I receive another comment. Colby Trent Middleton: 'Happy Anniversary babe! Wow, I can't believe it's already been two years. These last two years have been amazing. And look at us now, we have an amazing son. Babe, I love you so freaking much and every morning when I wake up, I'm so happy I get to wake up next to you. Happy Anniversary baby! I love you so much <3'

I 'love' his comment and then reply back with: 'Awh, thanks baby; I love you too! These past two years have been amazing and I love waking up knowing that you're mine. I love that I get to call you my husband and Derek gets to call you his daddy. I can't wait to see what else God has in store for us. I love you so much, babe! <3'

"Mama! Mama!" Derek shouts from beside me. I look down at him and pick him up. "Hey, bud. I love you so much, I'm so happy to be your mama."

Derek smiles at me and pokes my nose. Kissing his cheek, I carry him into our room and sit down in the rocker with him to rock him to sleep. Once he's sound asleep, I lay him in between a few pillows on our bed and go into the kitchen. After a couple minutes of searching for something to eat and not finding anything, I sigh in a low tone and grumble. "Mm, I'm 'so' hungry," I complain to no one in particular. "And we don't have anything to eat!"

Mine [Series 2] | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now