{38} Mine [Series 2]

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© All Rights Reserved - 2013 S. M. Palmer


{Tuesday, July 20, 2011}

DEREK WAKES COLBY UP AT 5:00am to his crying through the baby monitor. Climbing out of bed, Colby slips a shirt on and goes into his son's room to find him laying in his crib, crying. Colby goes over and picks him up. "Hey, buddy, what's wrong? Does Daddy need to change your diaper and feed you a bottle?"

As soon as he says that, a huge smile plasters across his son's face. "Come on, little guy," Colby replies before placing a gentle kiss against his temple. "Let's go change your diaper and get you a bottle."

Colby carries Derek into the living room with him and changes his diaper. Then, he lays his son in his swing while he fixes his bottle. Once he gets his son situated with the bottle, Jeremy comes into the living room. "Dude, how long have you been awake?" Jeremy asks, rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes.

"I woke up with Derek," Colby answers. "Dude, can you believe it, you're leaving tomorrow. How do you feel about that?"

"I've been waiting for tomorrow for so fucking long," Jeremy answers. "I'm so freaking ready to leave."

Colby chuckles. When Derek is done with his bottle, Colby lays him in his swing and goes into the kitchen to get himself a Monster Energy drink from the fridge. He pops the lid and takes a big sip. "Dude, remember what Keira said about that yesterday," Jeremy calls into the kitchen.

"I kn— Wait, how did you even know I was drinking a Monster? You can't even see me."

"I can tell by the sound it makes when you popped the lid," he answers.

"Of course," Colby murmurs.

He brings the can of Monster into the living room and plops down on the couch. "So, is all your stuff packed and everything you need packed?" Colby asks, taking another sip of his Monster.

"Yep," Jeremy answers. "I'm all packed and ready to go. While I'm thinking about it, do you think you and Keira can give me a lift to the airport tomorrow morning?"

"What time would we need to leave here?" Colby asks.

"Well, I want to be up at the airport by 4:15 or so," Jeremy answers. "My plane is suppose to take off at 6:45, but I want to get there early and get my bags checked in and everything beforehand."

"Yeah, we'll be able to do that," Colby responds. "What time should we leave the apartment by?"

"3:25," Jeremy replies. "Would y'all mind keeping my car here while I'm gone? I don't trust my dad to watch it while I'm gone and I don't want it to sit up at the airport while I'm gone."

"Yeah, we can watch your car," Colby answers.

Jeremy smiles at Colby. "Thanks, man."

The next three and a half hours, Derek sleeps in his swing and Jeremy and Colby watch The Office on Netflix.

At 8:30, Keira emerges from their bedroom. "How long have you boys been awake?" she asks, stretching like a cat and cracking her elbows and knees.

"Three and a half hours," her husband answers. "I woke up with Derek this morning at five. And Jeremy woke up at 5:10."


Coming over and plopping down in her hubby's lap, she wraps her arms around his neck and begins planting kisses against his cheek. "So, what do we plan on doing today?" she asks after she showers him in kisses.

Mine [Series 2] | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now