{3} Mine [Series 2]

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© All Rights Reserved - 2013 S. M. Palmer

♜♖♜ COLBY ♖♜♖

{Sunday, March 21, 2010}

I SPENT ALL NIGHT SEARCHING all across town for Keira. I don't know where the hell Tommy lives, so today I'm going to find a way to call (or text) Keira and ask her where she is.

I get out my phone and call Keira's phone. After one ring, a deep guy's voice picks up. "Hello?"

"Listen," I reply sternly, "I have no idea who the hell just answered my wife's phone, but I swear if you hurt my wife or my baby that's within her, I'll fucking kill you with my bare hands and I won't fucking feel bad about it afterwards."

"I'm not going to tell you who this is," his deep voice replies sternly into the phone.

That's when a million people run through my head of who could be on the other end. It could either be Tommy himself, Tommy's little brother, Owen (whose 13), or Tommy's dad. But then my mind came to conclusions; it's Tommy. 'Holy shit.'

"How do you know for sure this is Tommy?" he asks into the phone.

'Fuck, did I say that out loud?'

"Yeah, you said that out loud," he replies on the other line.

"Dammit," I curse under my breath.

I hear him exhale into the phone. "You know what, do you want the address of the location where your wife is being held hostage?" he asks.

I immediately brighten up. "Yes, please," I answer.

"Alright. The address is 1678 Westcoast Drive Hollywood FL 33019," he replies into the phone. "And when you come, come alone."



As he's hanging up the phone, I hear Keira yell, "Colby, don't do—" Then her voice is cut off because he hangs up. I quickly hang my phone up and then speed to the location address he gave me.


As Tommy was hanging up Keira's phone, she screams, "Colby, don't do—" She doesn't even finish, because Tommy had already hung the phone up.

He tosses her phone on the floor. Tommy hears the screen crack and Keira gasp. "Why'd you kidnap me?" she snaps at me. "I didn't do anything bad to you."

"That, my dear, is correct," Tommy answers. "But whoever said I didn't do anything bad to you?"

"What the hell did you do to me?" she snaps. "Tommy, I swear if you hurt me or the baby, Colby's going to fucking kill you."

"I ain't scared of Colby Middleton," Tommy answers. "Colby Middleton may be big and tough, but I ain't afraid of him. Now shut the fuck up!"

Tommy grabs his black duct tape and duct tapes her mouth shut. As he's leaning over her, she tries to knee him in his balls, but he dodges her. Keira groans as she flips me off. Tommy just laughs at her as he leaves the room.

Going into my room, Tommy grabs my pack of condoms and my rope before going back into the room where Keira is. Tommy throws the pack of condoms at her and her eyes go wide as she starts thrashing around. "Honey, don't thrash around so much, you don't want to hurt the baby," Tommy replies.

She starts crying and he goes up to her before slapping her face as hard as he could.

That's when the door busts open. Standing there is a furious looking Colby. He goes up to Tommy and punches his stomach. "Stay the fuck away from my wife!"

Mine [Series 2] | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now