Chapter 1: Trouble

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You panted as you ran into the woods, why were they targeting you? What did you do wrong?

"Shit" you muttered as you came upon a ledge.
You heard those people- those monsters chasing you. You peaked over the edge, as you were afraid of heights, you noticed a large body of water. 'It looks deep enough for me to land in' you gulped noticing shadows surrounding you.

"That's enough running Y/N. Now just come with us and we can stay settle a little debt you owe me" his voice sent shivers down your spine. You gazed up at the tall man in the mask. How some people weren't terrified of him confused you, he wore a blood stained mask with a smile. You never saw him take it off, not once.
There was a song that people sang about him, you didn't know all the words but knew the chorus ' My dream, my dream~ watching the fires gleam. As bright as they are I look to the stars and wonder why not me?' You got it in stuck in your head.

You looked back down off the ledge. The smiling man looked at you, "What?" He yelled then signalled one of his men to shoot you with their crossbow.

"It's now or never!" You screamed as you fell down. Your h/c hair floating around you as you fell. You landed in the water, you thanked the gods that the depth of the water was just enough to catch you. You swam to the closest rock and sat on it. Wiping the water off of your face and away from your eyes. You watched as the men tried to get down but fell to their deaths. You chuckled at them picking up some of the things they had dropped on their way down, some bread, a compass, and a small map of the woods. On this map you saw a small house marked on it with the letter 'JH' on it. As you were curious to find out what or who JH was you followed the trail using the compass to help you. You eventually found the small cottage. It looked cosy and quiet so you decided to knock on the door.

As you knocked you heard grumbling from behind the door "Tommy, Wilbur I've said yes already-" the voice said. His eyes darted around looking for who knocked.

Giving a small wave you sighed, "Hi- uhm.. are you JH?" You asked intimidated by the mans height.

He laughed "That stands for Jschlatt's House, and you've made it here." he said leaning against the door frame.

You looked a bit confused and decided to try and be the tall man's friend. "Well it's nice to meet you Jschlatt! I'm Y/N" you said with a big smile as you stuck out your hand.

"I'm Jschlatt, but you can call me Schlatt" he taking your hand and shaking it firmly.

~Schlatt's PoV~

I let the girl in not wanting her to catch a cold. There was a long silence, not a comforting silence something felt off. Like we were being watched. I looked out the window and saw something move " Y/N you weren't followed right?" I asked looking at the poor girl. She looked at me and she looked sad or disappointed or something along the lines of that, possibly guilty.

After a while she answered my question. " I- I was then they dropped a map that lead to your house and- and I'm sorry I've ruined everything again!" The girl hung her head in shame.

"It's fine. If you don't mind me asking, who were you chased by?" I started walking to her and when I got there I handed her a glass of water and a towel, I was planning on putting away the towel but she needed it.

" Dream and his guys" she said looking back up at me. Something about that face made me slightly calm but it doesn't matter.

"Right. Come with me"

~Y/N's PoV~

As I followed the man he took me to a bookshelf that looked slightly off but soon it made sense. It was a door way. "Follow the path. It'll take you back to L'manberg" He held the door open, I paused wondering how he knew but I'm all fairness it was probably the uniform.
"C'mon! We don't have all day" he said. The sound of the door being bashed in could be heard. Soon after he shoved you down the passageway making you trip and fall down the stairs.

You made your way back to L'manberg and saw a familiar face, Wilbur! You ran up to him and Tommy and gave them the biggest hug you could give. "I missed you guys so much!" You said, smiling like you had never smiled before.

Wilbur looked at you in pure shock mixed with joy "Y/N! You're alive! Are you okay? Did they hurt you? If they did they'll pay for-" He was cut off by Tommy who whispered something into his ear.
"Oh yeah- right." He looked at Tommy then at the large amount of people gathering at the drug van. Niki stood out the most to you, you two had been best friends since you joined the smp.

Wilbur stood on the top of the drug van and said something that would change the L'manberg forever. . .

!Please read this!
Sorry about ending this on a cliffhanger.
It's getting late and I need to sleep.
Stay safe and feel free to comment suggestions for what you this should happen!

Edited 10.4.23
Edited Word Count

* • .Word count. • *

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