Chapter 22: Midnight Mystery

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You looked down and screamed "What the fuck! What the fuck!" Quackity shot up, his face landing inches away from yours. He looked down then back up, his face full of fear "oh god, oh god, what the fuck did we do?" He shouted back. The two of you were still in Schlatt's office with Schlatt and George in chairs on the opposite side of his desk.

You looked behind you and saw Schlatt slowly open his eyes to see you on top of his best friend "What on earth?" He said rubbing his head. He had woken up at the sound of shouting and it was obviously you two that had caused the sleeping man to awaken. He looked at you and Quackity, his face mixing with confusion and anger "what's going on?" George asked peering over. His chair had spun to face the door whilst Schlatt's was facing directly at the two of you. They both stared at you two like they had just seen a wither appear out of thin air. You looked back at Quackity the sprung off him, you tried to think about last night but nothing happened, except you noticing that your head hurt like all hell.

Schlatt sat there in utter disbelief "amazing, first night as a group again and I wake up to see my girlfriend on top my co worker" he said in a sarcastic tone. You started looking for your clothes that weren't anywhere if your line of sight. You continued searching for a few minutes until Quackity found them hidden under some books. That helped your case so much. Putting your clothes back on you looked over to Schlatt who had already left the room with George walking behind him "do you remember anything?" You asked Quackity. Quackity's head perked up "nothing. I'm so sorry Y/N, if I've made anything in your relationship awkward at all then If just like to apologise here" he said as he stood up and out of Schlatt's chair. He looked over at the door then started walking "I need to go have a shower anyway so I'll talk later" he ran up the stairs away from everyone and not too long after George came back with two glasses of water and handed one to you "Well, the president is in a shitty mood" he said taking a drink of his water.

You took the other glass and sipped it "I'm not surprised" you chuckled "also I'm not hearing things, right? He did refer to me as his 'girlfriend'?" You asked, your mind whizzing around debating whether he said it or not until you got the answer "yeah he did, does he not call you that?" George asked. He smiled and nudged your arm whilst you nodded "this must be a big thing for you, huh?" He patted your head as you took another sip of your water "it's cool and all but I'm not sure if he meant it" you added.

George sighed and went back into Schlatt's office "why are these chairs the only good ones?" He asked "this is the White House, we can have anything and they choose to have uncomfortable chairs!" You laughed at him and then Schlatt walked in "turns out we have cameras in here, even though I have the memory of an elephant, do you wanna see and hear what happened?" He asked. He was obviously wanting yeses so the two of you nodded and followed him to a room full of monitors showing the cameras outside and in. He brought George and you over to a big one and started rewinding it until last night.

~ Rewind ~

The four of you sat in the dark room that was only lit by the fire place because they had closed the blinds. You were sat on Schlatt's knee and had slightly curled up onto him. You had your head placed on his shoulder with a bottle a wine in your hand. Each of you guys had wine bottles and glasses in your hands. Schlatt proposed an idea "would you guys want to play seven minutes in heaven" he asked as he placed to fingers to your lips. You pushed his weird gesture away "isn't that for horny teens?" Quackity asked smiling from ear to ear with a slight hint of blush tweaking at his cheeks. You, Schlatt and George agreed so no matter what Quackity said it was official, the four of you were playing 7 minutes in heaven. You looked dead into Schlatt's eyes and asked "we don't have a closet, how's this gonna work?" Schlatt smiled and said "well, it'll be a good show" George laughed and whenever he did everyone joined in, his laugh was a bit like yours, very contagious. You looked at everyone in the room then said "yeah but it's a bit awkward, is it not?" You said as you blushed lightly "since when were you regal Y/N?" Schlatt asked "Oh tea and crumpets, I must meet with the queen!" He mocked "C'mon stop being a pussy" Quackity giggled "I am not!" You said raising your voice.

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