Chapter 8: Blossom

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A few months went by just recovering, getting visits from Schlatt and George, and listening to birds singing when you were finally better.

Honestly a miracle you survived, stabbed just between the ribs, you felt so lucky the killer had left you alone.

When you would get out of your room you would walk past the podium and see Niki at her bakery.

A few weeks later you decided to pay Schlatt and gogy a visit. You walked to the office and knocked on the door "come in" you heard two voices say in unison.

As you opened the door you saw Schlatt, Gogy, Tubbo and Quackity all standing staring at you " Y/N!" George shouted as he threw himself at you, giving you a big hug.

You smiled and hugged him back, Schlatt looked displeased at what he was seeing. You guessed he just wanted to do serious business things.

You looked at Schlatt and he just continued "As I was saying before Y/N very kindly interrupted and made me lose track of what I was saying" he said looking back at 'the boys' as he called them.

"Once I give a speech, Tubbo will give a speech then Gogy and that'll be it" he continued "Y/N I'll catch you up on what's happening after this" Schlatt smiled at you, not weirdly or a smirk, he looked kind.

You sat and listened to him explain what the plan was after the meeting "And you , Doll, will be a very important part in this" he said standing up behind his chair. His suit must have been especially made for him as it was like none you had seen before. The fabric looked different than other suits you saw.

You listened to him "You see, Tubbo is a traitor and you will signal for the shot to be fired okay?" He said leaning on the back of his chair.

You looked at him and nodded quickly "good" he said "also sweetheart, how are you feeling?" He asked in a sincere voice.

"I'm good Schlatt, I've been feeling better. How about you, how's running manberg?" You asked.

He sighed "it's a fucking nightmare, so much stuff and paperwork!" He moaned "what did you expect?" You asked standing up and walking towards him.

He stuck his foot out and it made you fall "I guess you're falling for me" he said smirking "looks like I am" you jokingly said.


You walked through the woods and heard twigs snapping behind you, you spun around full speed and was greeted by Tommy, Wilbur and Technoblade.

You had heard stories about Technoblade but hadn't thought too much of it. Most of the stories were along the lines of 'how he never dies' and ' he burnt down orphanages' which you didn't care too much for, mainly the last one.

Wilbur stood there "Hello, Y/N, how are you today?" He asked.

You stood there staring, the fear rising in your eyes "I'm sorry I didn't know you were here, I'll just go" you said trying to go past them but Wilbur held onto your wrist "wait Y/N, darling, we have a proposal" he said. You snatched your hand away and looked at him "I'm listening" you said "so there's a festival and something is going to happen there, something bad, you must know something of it?" He looked at you with eyes full of sorrow "well I know something but that's between me and the president" you said in a slight panic "Y/N, dear, please just if something were to happen please just help us out" he pleaded "Tommy and Techno had a bad feeling and your our only hope"

You looked at him in shock, you knew he was the manipulative type and could easily make anyone do anything. He could shape good people into villains in a second, he would do that to anyone if he could. But you were smart and knew him well "I'll think about it" you said walking away.

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