Chapter 3: Him

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You woke up still wearing the same blue uniform as yesterday. Your h/c hair was still the half pleated mess it was yesterday, as you walked upstairs to get changed to noticed something shining from out the window.
A tall man in a suit with chains attached to big horns that were on either side of his head. He looked up into the window as he saw you admiring him for afar, so you ducked out the way so he couldn't see you.

You got to your room, via crawling, and opened you wardrobe. You didn't have a lot of clothes but you found a cute flannel shirt and denim jeans, you looked in the mirror, pleated half of your hair and tied it back, doing the same on the other side.

When you were happy with your outfit you grabbed ender pearls, bread, apples and your sword.

You walked out of your room and looked out the window to see if the man was still there, he wasn't which made you sigh with relief. "He looked familiar" you said to yourself walking down your staircase.

You looked at the clock that was hung on the wall above your door and realised the time, "FUCK!" You yelled and began sprinting.

As you ran you got closer and closer until the podium was in your view. You were pretty sure that you hadn't missed anything, you took a seat next to Niki who was happy to see you.
"Aren't you supposed to be up there with Wilbur and Tommy?" She asked.
You looked at her and nodded "Yep! Yes, I am!" You ran up the stairs to get to the podium, you heard her giggle as you ran.

You got up there and standing waiting for you was Wilbur and Tommy. "Y/N where the fuck were you?" Tommy asked slightly shouting at you.
" I didn't miss anything did I?" You asked still panting, you saw Wilbur behind Tommy, the same pacing you had seen him do the night before. "What's happening with Wilbur?" You asked Tommy, trying to peer over his shoulder at Wilbur but ended up having to push him gently out the way.
Wilbur spotted you and walked over quickly.
"Y/N. Georgenotfound- George is Quackity's partner!" He shouted but tried to avoid letting the microphone pick it up. He hadn't raised his voice at you since the War of Independence for Lmanberg. He grabbed your shoulder and shoved you making you trip and fall down.
"I can't lose this country! I worked too hard for Lmanberg and I fear they might take it away from us- from me!" He yelled, you could feel tears forming in your eyes.

"Shut up Wilbur " Tommy hollered with agitation. "We all fought for this country, not just you, all of us did! Y/N helped us a lot! Quit being a dick head." Tommy knelt down in front of you, "You okay Y/N?" He asked his tone changed, he went from being pissed off to being more calm and comforting.

You looked up at him and wiped the tear away. "Yeah. I need to go for a quick walk though.." You mumbled as you walked away from the podium. You walked in the woods nearby and decided to sit down and just try to calm down.

Wilbur scared you sometimes and made you honestly feel like shit. As you took a deep breath in you overheard a conversation that sounded not too far away.

"So if anything goes wrong we'll still be fine, we may not win but it's a plan that might work" The familiar voice said.

It sounded like- like Quackity. You looked behind you and saw them down a ledge on a dirt path. You saw the same man that you saw out your window earlier.

You got more and more curious the more you overheard the conversation so you tried to step closer to hear more until-
You quickly hid behind a close tree.
Of course you would step on a twig and snap it in half! Your luck was brilliant.

"Whoever's there come out!" An angered voice spat. They had a thick accent and a gravelly voice which made you terrified.

For a while it went silent so you looked down on to check the ledge and see if they were still there- they weren't.
You turned back at the sound of something swinging at you and saw an axe headed your way, "Holy shit!" You shouted as you ducked.

The man you recognised at Quackity pulled you closer while the other guy pulled the axe out of the tree. "Why were you eavesdropping on our conversation?" Quackity interrogated.
"I just wanted some fresh air and got curious, okay?" You said glancing at the two of them then the axe in the tall man's hand. Quackity sighed and let go of your arm, gently pushing you back against the tree.

The tall man leaned against the tree towering above you. "Listen sweetheart, there's an answer to everything and I know that somewhere in that pretty little head of yours the proper answer to my question is there!" He said as he poked your forehead.

You looked at him with disgust, all you could smell was alcohol. "Firstly, don't call me sweetheart, you fucking creep and secondly that is the answer." You said confidently, standing up from the tree and stepping forward.

He looked at you and took his arm away. The man straightened out his jacket and scoffed . He was definetly offended by what you called him. "Creep? I'm not a fucking creep, sweetheart." He snapped.

You looked at Quackity who looked pleased to see you be talked down to. "Call me a 'sweetheart' one more time and I swear to god-"
Quackity cut you off. "Schlatt we outta get this deal to Wilbur so he knows for the day. "
You looked at Quackity confused "What do you mean get this deal to Wilbur?" You asked him. You heard the man snicker causing you to look over at him,"Oh no princess~ you haven't heard? I'm running for president too and tomorrow you'll have to find out by yourself what the deal is." He smiled knowing the nickname pissed you off, so you decided to go along with the nickname thing.
"Well then pumpkin, I best me going!" you said throwing an ender Pearl and bowing as you left. You smiled knowing that you had done at least something.

Suddenly you were at your house, "I've still got it!" You said as you opened the door. You saw Wilbur and Tommy sitting on your couch waiting for you. "Guess who I saw in the forest?" You asked them.
"Who?" Tommy asked as Wilbur stayed silent, deep in thought.
"Some douche and Quackity" You laughed. "And, apparently Wilbur they wanted to speak to you."
His head perked up when he heard that. "Well then I best be off!" He said looking down at his shoes. " Y/N I have to apologise for my actions earlier." he said as he opened the door.
"It's fine Wil, don't even mention it. Now go!" You rushed him out.

"You staying here for the night Tommy?" You asked while closing the door. He nodded in response. You walked over to a closet and grabbed a blanket and a pillow. You handed the pillow and blanket to him and went upstairs, turning off the lights when you were up there.

You got changed into your favourite pyjamas and hopped into bed.

Hey guys! Two chapters in one day is what I'm hoping to do from now on (if your lucky maybe even 3). As I always say please leave suggestions it would be so fun to have your ideas and obviously you would be credited for it!

Edited: Thursday 13th of April 2023
.•*^ Edited Word Count ^*•.

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