.•*My Old Ending*•. pt.1

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This ending of the story starts at Chapter 15: Execution.

Just a warning! The next new/old chapters are really weird.


You decided to just run the other way "Y/N, you dumb bitch what the fuck are you doing?" Tommy screamed "I'm trying to help you" You yelled running through some bushes and up a tree. The hoard of people chasing you two followed your footsteps and stopped meters away from the tree you had climbed. You clung to the tree, trying to not slip and fall.

Your heart sunk as you saw Niki in the crowd staring right at you. One man looked directly at you "found the bitch!" They shouted, walking over and yanking your shoe making you fall out the tree and hit your head on a rock.

You assumed the angry mob took you back to the White House because you had woken up in an armchair that was in front of the fireplace in Schlatt's office. You sighed and looked around to see if someone was there but couldn't notice the tall man sat beside you "Y/N, I hate how fucking lucky you are" Schlatt said, he was pissed off. Everybody could tell.

George stood in the corner of the room while Quackity stayed next to Schlatt "why can't you have one bad fucking day?" Schlatt shouted, resting his feet on the left arm of his chair and hitting his neck off the other "this is ridiculous" George said "Schlatt can we just drink this away?" He asked, rubbing his temples. Schlatt sighed and nodded "what's the strongest one?" Quackity asked helping George look for a good bottle "second row, third one on the left" you said, your voice trailing off noticing how many eyes were on you. You slunk down into a ball and heard the hustle over the drinks "she is right though" Schlatt said "hate to admit it but she is right" you smiled to yourself.

Not too long after that George handed you a glass "sit up" he said, sternly. You did as he said and kept the glass in your hand. The others drank all their whiskey in one go while you were sceptical about drinking yours-

I mean

They could've drugged it!

You thought as Schlatt looked over "Y/N, George was nice enough to give you a drink, be a doll and drink it" Schlatt said leaning closer. You could smell and feel his breath on your face. It was never a nice thing to smell. It was a mix of rich cologne and alcohol, he smelt like a millionaire prick that was highly selfish. You wanted to look anywhere but at him "I said drink it, bitch" he said shoving your hand with he crystal glass in it closer to your mouth. You drank it then sighed "there, you happy?" You asked sarcastically.

Schlatt's anger and impatience grew every time you said a mean thing and considering you had said only one thing he was mad "Y/N, you will do as I say when I say it!" He shouted, making the others jump. You nodded and he looked back over to the fire "You need to learn your place, Y/N" Schlatt said, staring at the fire so hard you thought it would lead into a forest fire.

You nodded again and looked behind you at Quackity and George "you should be a bit nicer to Y/N Schlurp-" George said cutting himself off with a hiccup. You giggled as Schlatt turned around slowly "such a fucking lightweight" Schlatt groaned "Quackity, can you take him back to his room?" Schlatt asked. Quackity nodded and held George's hand out of the room "guys I'm gonna head to bed too so you two can just chill and have sex, goodnight!" Quackity shouted from the top of the staircase.

Schlatt chuckled then sighed "they haven't changed one bit, have they?" You asked looking over to him. He stayed silent "I- I'm sorry for earlier- it wasn't my idea" you said timidly. Schlatt sighed once more then replied "shut up, Y/N" he said ignoring what your apology "don't try to speak to me, I would gladly have your head on a spear right now but you have a good luck charm" he mocked you with the last sentence but then poured himself another drink.

You sighed then stood up "I'll just go to my room if you don't want me here" you said standing up and starting to walk to the door. Schlatt followed you to he door "Y/N" he said, his voice slipping away "don't leave" he leaned on the door and looked down at you. You looked back at him and walked backwards "Schlatt?" You said, scared of the man who had stayed with you matter what "what are you doing?" You asked grabbing a quill to use as a weapon "Y/N, I ain't gonna hurt you" he said leaning forward "I wanna feel you on me" he continued, kissing you and holding you close to him.

Something hit the back of your throat and you shrugged it off as just a small bit of food you had eaten earlier coming loose and hitting your tonsils. You opened your eyes and looked at him as he let go "you okay? You looked tired" Schlatt said with a smirk. Your eyelids became heavy as you looked at him.



Well that's part one.
You've been drugged

Such a surprise for my stories!

Love you all <3

.•* Word Count *•.

Posted 10:56 Sunday 3 October 2021.

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