Chapter 13: The Meeting

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You woke up the next day with barely any clothes on and Schlatt was lying next to you with barely any clothes on too.

You looked at him and zoned out. 'He is so cute when he's sleeping' you thought gazing at him.

While staring you noticed how he had rings on his horns and fingers and how many small scars he had on his face.

He eventually woke up "Hey beautiful" he said rubbing his eyes "god it's so bright"

You snickered at him and brushed some hair out his face "good morning Schlatt" you said.

He cupped the side of your face "that was an eventful night" he said with a smile.

"Mhm" you responded getting up "Y/N where are you going?" He asked getting up "I'm getting up because if I don't we'll just never get up" you replied putting on your clothes.

Your scar was still there. You traced your hand over the edges of it and gasped when you felt someone grab your waist "gotcha!" You heard Schlatt say from behind you. He picked you up soon after

You both started laughing "Schlatt! Put me down" you shouted. He eventually placed you down but placed his head on your shoulder "does that not hurt your back?" You asked looking at him "it does but your face is worth it" he replied as he pecked your cheek.

The both of you put on what clothes you had taken off and headed downstairs after brushing your teeth and hair.

When the two of you got downstairs you were met with Dream "hello again Y/N" Dream said "why the fuck are you here Dream?" You asked picking up a near by sword.

He looked at you "surprise Y/N I'm not here to torment you as much as I want to" he said brushing some of his hair that had slipped out back behind the mask "No I'm here to speak to Schlatt and I've brought some guests" he said pushing forward the two people you hoped it wouldn't be "Tommy.. Wilbur?" You looked at them both and noticed how they looked like they got beaten.

You put the sword up to Dream's neck "What the fuck did you do to them Dream?" You asked "well I had to get them somehow Y/N" he said pushing the sword away from his neck and down to the floor, making the top inches away from Tommy's shoes.

Tommy looked like he was on the verge of tears "can I speak to them?" You asked looking at Schlatt "it's up to him Y/N" he replied.

Dream sighed "fine but Quackity goes with you" he said pushing the two forward "thanks.. I guess" you said pulling the two up the stairs with Quackity not far behind.

The three of you sat down while Quackity stood near the door "Are you guys okay? Did he hurt you?" You asked "Y/N, dear, we're fine" Wilbur said cupping your face "are you okay? Had Schlatt been abusive?" He asked "n-no he's been a good guy so far" you replied.

The three of you chatted and the topic of Schlatt came up again and Quackity chimed in "I'm surprised he hasn't used Y/N to get you two to hand yourselves over" you looked over at the door where the raven haired man stood "Quackity you must be treated wrong by him! You have to join us" Wilbur said.

Wilbur had a way of getting people to join his side. Unfortunately it didn't seem to work at the election.

"He's a dickhead to me and honestly I thought this was a good idea at the start but now" he said shaking his head at the end of his sentence "you know what everyone else seems to join I'll work as a double agent, you could say" Quackity said walking over "Y/N tells us about plans Schlatt had already though" Tommy said.

Your heart sunk to your stomach "Y/N you've been a rat?" Quackity asked "oh Schlatt's gonna love hearing his personal hooker is a rat" he said rushing to the door.

You chased after him 'fuck' you thought 'he better not!' You ran down the stairs but he was already in the office "Y/N! She's a-" he said huffing and puffing.

"Quackity we're in a meeting" Schlatt said "sorry but Y/N is a bitch!" He said "she's been telling Wilbur and Tommy and who knows who else things about you and what we're doing"

'I am fucked now'


Sorry this is a short chapter!
I wanted to write something and this is all I could think of!

Love you all <3

.•* Word Count *•.

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