Chapter 9: The Festival

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The next day came quickly. You had barely got any sleep due to waking up in a cold sweat. The nightmares kept coming back- that memory kept coming back.

You decided to get up and put on that dress Schlatt had given you. You had a thought of burning it but you didn't want anything to happen. Besides what was the worst that would happen?

You walked out your room and saw Quackity and George walking down the staircase "Quackity!" You ran at him "thanks for helping me yesterday" you said walking down stairs with him and George "it's fine Y/N, he can just- he can be different when he's like that" he said opening the doors for you and George.

When you stood outside you saw Tubbo speaking Schlatt "Tubbo!" You shouted walking over to him "can I speak to you?" You asked him "sure"

The two of you walked down the wooden path until you were sure no one could see or hear you "Remember the plan, Tubbo? They're in that direction" you said pointing at the forest in the way you went last time. "But what if Schlatt finds out? I've only seen you with him once, Y/N, and he didn't look happy" Tubbo gave a pitied smile when speaking to you. "I'll be fine just go" Tubbo looked behind you and glared at whatever was behind you "am I interrupting something?" Schlatt asked, his shadow looked over you "No. I was just asking Tubbo a few questions" you replied turning around and looking up at him.

You looked at Tubbo and nodded your head like to say go now, he understood and nodded back but walked with you and Schlatt. The three of you walked onto the podium and looked onto a near by roof, Wilbur and Tommy were standing there. You pulled Tubbo to the side, away from the microphones, the President  and the Vice Presidents. "Look on the roof Tubbo! It's Tommy, go up there and hide, okay?" You whispered "I'll go now" he said with a smile and ran off to the roof.

Schlatt noticed and looked at you "Y/N, where's Tubbo going?" He looked at you knowing you were up to something "Tubbo- He's just getting more fireworks for the big surprise" you hesitated to respond and  smiled trying to make him brush off the feeling.

It eventually came time to give speeches and it was Tubbo's turn "where's Tubbo, Y/N?" Schlatt asked into the microphone "I don't know he should be back by now" you replied looking around.

Schlatt told Quackity who spent a while looking around before noticing him on the roof with Tommy. Your heart sunk to your stomach when you saw him looking directly at Tubbo "Schlatt he's right-" you wouldn't let Quackity finish his sentence.

You knew what you had to do "Wait! Before we do anything else I'd like to say something" you said snatching the microphone off of Schlatt and stepping forward. "President Schlatt, ever since I first met you I felt like we had something" you said looking at him.

He slowly started walking to you and stopped a metre or two away from you. "A small connection that could change our lives forever. What I'm trying to say is that I love you Jschlatt and I want everyone to know it" you said pulling him down by his tie and kissing him.

You were destroyed by the fact that you did to do this to keep them safe, honestly you felt like it was your only choice and if you had made any other decision like saying 'he's getting blah blah blah' then he wouldn't buy it and kill the both of you.

Once you let go he looked at you with a smirk "well, good to know that you like me doll" he said taking the microphone back and continuing his speech.

You decided to sneak away and check in on the guys on the roof "hey guys" you said scaring Tommy and Tubbo "so you really like him?" Wilbur asked "I don't" a slight lie "I did it to keep you guys safe, Quackity actually spotted you guys so you better run" you said helping Tubbo down.

You said goodbye to Wilbur and Tommy and Tubbo gave you a big hug "please don't keep up this charade if it makes you uncomfortable, Y/N!" Tubbo shouted running away with them. You waved him off and headed back to the podium.

This uneasy feeling hit your body like a brick falling off a building, you looked at the podium and saw nobody there but heard a yell come from the White House so you rushed over "where the fuck could that little traitor have gone?" You heard Schlatt scream as you entered his office.

You stood in the doorway for a bit then moved to the corner of the room "this is so fucking stupid" Quackity chimed in "if Y/N hadn't cut me off he'd be dead!" Schlatt looked at Quackity and then at George "this is just bullshit, just get out" he growled "I said get the fuck out!" The two ran out and down the corridor. You walked over to his desk and sat down on it, knocking over some pens "looks like someone had a temper tantrum" you said in a singsongy tone. Schlatt smiled and looked at you "Doll, you can fix it" he said walking closer and roughly placing a kiss on your lips, he seemed unsure about it but eased into it after a while.

"Also Y/N" he said lifting up your chin forcing you to look up to him "you are such a shit kisser " he grabbed your skin tight, digging his nails into you, making small amounts of red blood ooze from your jaw. You just stared at him "says you" you replied with a scared chuckle. He laughed with you "You can learn from me, doll" he said.

He was inches away from your face at this point. You could smell his cologne mixed with whiskey, which was just his thing.

You looked up at him "well then, teach away" you smiled, hating every word that came out your mouth in the past few hours. He smiled at you and said "this must be how your teachers felt-" you dragged him into a kiss which led to a strange day tomorrow.



Finally something interesting in the story.

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