Chapter 11: Party

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~ Time skip and third person PoV ~

Y/N had been in a cluster of a relationship with Schlatt for a few weeks now and people had spread a few rumours about it and they all eventually got to Wilbur and Tommy who had so many questions.

You see Wilbur, Tommy and Y/N had been meeting up for a while so she could give some information about Schlatt's plans and one of his upcoming events.

A party.

Y/N was excited for this but last time an event like this happened it wasn't good.

Schlatt drank a lot that night and so did she but thankfully nothing happened. But Tubbo was gone and it was so strangely quiet.

When Tubbo was gone you realised how eerie the White House was.

The long halls stretched out and the laughs from Schlatt's office echoed from when he had meetings with George and Quackity, sometimes it had given her a fright when she went out to chat with Niki.

Niki... Niki... Niki...

She wasn't a fan of your 'relationship' with Schlatt but Y/N used the excuse "the heart does what is wants" every time.

She was Y/N's friend but they had to rebuild their friendship due to the fire. Y/N slightly disliked her for that but she pushed down that feeling of hatred and decided to focus on good things. Like how she convinced Schlatt to invite her to the party but just by saying.

"But Schlatt what if she feels left out? That would make me sad."

It worked and he finally said yes after a while of pleading with him.

~ Y/N's PoV ~

The party was tonight and you still hadn't found a dress. You looked in your wardrobe and started to get nervous.

The party etched closer and closer, second by second, minute by minute. You heard your door open then shut "Y/N, what are you doing?" They asked, it was Schlatt. "I'm searching for a good dress!" You said looking at him "well I have an amazing dress for you, miss Y/N" he said handing you a bag with a dress and a pair of shoes "I swear to god Schlatt if this is a revealing dress I'm burning it" you joked.

He placed his hand on his chest, pretending to be offended "I would never- oh wait never mind I have" he said "put the dress on and then look in the mirror" you looked at him confused "how the fuck do I put the dress on?" He looked at you then the bag then back at you "well I can help you put it on Doll" he smirked. "Nope! Never mind, I will go get dressed" you replied walking into the bathroom.

You picked the dress up and looked at it 'this isn't too bad' you thought locking the door.

It was a dark red dress that went down to your knees, only downside was that the neckline was a long v neck shape.

You put it on and came out (not gay though) schlatt looked at you, he was putting on his outfit. It was like the one he wore to the election but it didn't have a black tie it was just a dark red shirt and black trousers with black shoes " so what do you think, Mr President?" You asked with a giggle " you look too good for words, doll" he replied grabbing your waist.

His shirt was half buttoned "so what's with this party?" You asked pushing him away "was it just a last minute choice?" He looked at you and his smile dropped "well something special is happening at the party" he pulled you back into his grasp "and maybe something after?" He put his lips so close to your and then


The door shot open and Quackity was standing in the doorway "Oh my gosh I am so sorry!" He said rushing to close the door. Schlatt groaned "it's fine Quackity, we'll just continue this later" he said smirking at you and letting you go.

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