Chapter 15: Execution

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You woke up with Wilbur lying on the wall beside you and Tommy was sitting on the edge of your bed "so you excited to see me die, Tommy?" You asked standing up and accidentally making Wilbur jump.

You laughed at that but looked back at Tommy "Y/N, we have a plan, don't worry" he said walking over and hugging you.

Wilbur stood up and walked to the balcony, you and Tommy followed him and leaned against the railing "whatever happens Y/N just don't do anything harsh, okay?" Wilbur said looking out over Manberg.

The three of you stood and chatted about life outside of Manberg for a few hours until you all heard someone open the door "alright Y/N I'm sad I don't get to kill you but someone does and I want to see it" Quackity said slamming the door open and matching over to you. He shoved handcuffs on you, Tommy and Wilbur and took all three of you to the podium.

Niki was sitting on a platform with Wilbur and Tommy. You looked over at Niki as Schlatt, George and Dream walked over to the front of the stage, she looked so confused and worried. If things didn't go properly then that's you gone forever.

Schlatt took the mic off the stand and started one of his 'great speeches'. Dream walked closer to you with an axe in hand "Ladies and Gentlemen, on this very stage a couple months ago a woman confessed her love to me and here is that same woman! She is a traitor! She was helping the fugitives with plans!" He continued "This dumbass thought she could get away with it! But luckily my amazing Vice President Quackity caught on before something could've happened, we are here today to watch the execution of this traitor" he said with a smile. You hung your head low as Dream pushed you onto your knees.

Schlatt walked closer to you and pulled your head up by your hair "should've have betrayed me, doll" he whispered "Now! If anyone thinks she shouldn't be killed speak now even though we won't listen" He shouted throwing your head back down.

Niki shot out of her seat "You are a monster!" Niki yelled "she was helping her friends who you banned from Manberg" Schlatt just rolled his eyes at her "I would listen to anyone but you"

Niki sat backdown as Wilbur patted her shoulder and whispered into her ear.

"Anyway Dream, care to do the honours?" Schlatt asked placing the microphone back on its stand and clapping his hands.

Dream nodded and raised the axe, this was it. The end.
Your life flashed before your eyes as the axe swung down inches away from your neck.

They were happy. Happy to see you get what you deserved. You honestly didn't blame them, you had a relationship with Schlatt just to get information on what they were doing.

There was a loud creek and suddenly you dropped through the floor of the podium into a small space where Tommy had waited "Y/N! Thank god you were able to break it" he said helping you up and taking your hand as he ran out a small entrance he had made.

You heard the commotion behind you but didn't bother to look. You were in shock. I mean if you hadn't been friends with Tommy and Wilbur your head would be rolling off the podium with so many people watching as blood spurted out your neck. Well really non of this would be happening.

"Go fucking get her!" Quackity yelled at the crowd. He wasn't happy with this situation. As you and Tommy flew past were the once iconic walls stood into the woods an arrow shot past your arm hitting a stump.

"Jesus!" You yelled starting to run faster "Follow me!" Tommy shouted running around a small pond.

You decided to just run the other way "Y/N you dumb bitch what the fuck are you doing?" Tommy screamed "I'm trying to help you"

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