Chapter 18: Stuck

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They dragged you into the White House and threw you into your old room. So many things that you had left behind. You were left alone for a while and eventually someone came into the room, the exact man you hated more than your worst enemy. The self proclaimed 'amazing president' had walked into your room and let out a long sigh "Y/N, you were better than this" he said leaning on the wall.

You looked at the ram and scowled. This man was the worst now you could see why so many people hated him, he was the bad guy.

He stood up straight and headed towards you "to be honest I thought we had something but using me for plans is just cruel" he said looking in the mirror and fixing his jacket. You looked at this man, you were being cruel? They held a hostage- killed a child! And you were cruel. That's ridiculous "Says the man who killed a defenceless child" You said looking at the hideous carpet "I didn't kill him, Technoblade did." You looked up at the man who had been staring at himself in the mirror looking at all his flaws or looking in the mirror to just see himself.

But anyways he was trying to pin the blame on a man that was forced to do that. You knew Technoblade he would never. Even though you only met him yesterday but he would never hurt anyone unless he needed to. Your eyes darted around the room seeing things that brought a few memories back that you had forgotten. 'Jeez' you thought 'I need to stop acting like I've been away for three years'

After admiring himself he looked at you and smiled, his wide grin flashed all his teeth. Did he fucking file them? They were so sharp. You looked at him and the two of you made eye contact and it stayed that way for a while. Then Schlatt finally spoke "You're probably wondering why I'm here" he said blankly. His smile faded from his face making him less cheery and you uneasy.

You nodded in response and looked behind him towards the exit, if there was a slight chance of escape you were doing it. "Well I needed to say a few things before me and the others decide on whether or not we should continue with your execution" he said looking you up and down, making you think he was undressing you with his eyes. You looked at this man and spotted a strand of hair sticking out on the top of his head.

You giggled and said "Okay, Tinky Winky!" He growled "Y/N, this is a serious matter" Schlatt got mad easily and that plus being a raging alcoholic wasn't good. Thank DreamXD that he wasn't drunk at the moment. You looked up at the man and couldn't keep a straight face "Can I fix your hair?" You asked trying to keep a serious attitude. "No" he said bluntly while a few more strands popped out of his recently tidy slicked back hair. He had noticed this time and tried putting it back with his hand but as soon as he moved his hand down and back to his side they sprung up "For gods sake!" He shouted clenching his fists. "My offer is still up" you said smiling at him. "Fine." he huffed with a serious face.

You kept thinking of ways to get him not to kill you. Flattery? Seduction? Any other way? You couldn't think of anything. As you walked off to get hairspray you her clattering coming from the room were just in so once you had gotten the hairspray you raced back in to see Schlatt putting a lamp shade back on its stand. Unfortunately before he had knocked over so many other things as he did. A vase, a glass of two day old water, and a picture of your family that you had in a frame. But what did all these things have in common?

They all shattered once they hit the ground.

When the vase hit the floor it shattered into a hundred pieces, the glass of water spilled all over the ground, making a horrible mess of your old bedroom and the picture had cracked glass and the frame broke in two. You looked at the mess he had made and took a deep breath "I am so sorry" he said running over to grab a broom and a mop. Sighing you muttered "it's fine! It's just a few small things that don't mean a lot to me" you picked up the soaked picture that had now started to blur at the corner that had been dropped in the water. You sighed as Schlatt handed you the mop "So what's happened in the last 24 hours that made you need me so much?" You asked starting to clean up the mess he had made. He chuckled at your words then smiled "you always know how to put a smile on my face" he said. 

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