Chapter 7: Forgetful

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TW: Attempted murder


You woke up when you heard a bang on your door, you quickly got up and rushed towards the large oak door.

You opened it and saw the exact same person that had knocked on it last time, Schlatt.

The two of you looked at each other for a bit then he finally spoke " Get dressed and go to my office, now" he sounded tired.

You nodded and closed the door " no way in hell am I getting changed into that uniform again" you said to yourself.

You changed into a flannel shirt and denim shorts " looks okay" you said looking at yourself in the mirror.

You made your way to his office, it felt like you were at school again. Only you lived there and the principal was a bigger dickhead than the other one.

You knocked on the door and were greeted by the same tired voice " Come in Y/N" as you walked in you realised how enraged he looked, ' fuck' you looked around, avoiding eyes contact ' he knows'.

He stood up and walked over to you, just as he had yesterday "Y/N, I would like to apologise for my actions yesterday, I wasn't thinking straight" he said.

You sighed with relief " it's okay, I wasn't thinking properly either" you said with a small laugh. 

You both stood in silence for a few minutes until he broke the peacefulness "also" the worry came back " smart move, drugging me" he walked back and sat down, crossing his legs, he looked at you and chuckled "it's okay, Y/N, I don't blame you!" He said with a chuckle " if I was in your position I would have drugged me too" you let out a small laugh.

You backed up a bit " well I'm going to try and find Niki" you started opening the door when you felt a hand try to stop yours " wait Y/N" he muttered, loud enough to be heard by you but not anyone outside.

You jumped a small bit getting a fright from his sudden touch " President Schlatt, I have to go find her" you said "but if your wondering I won't be too long" he looked worried. He let go of your hand "just be careful" he said in a nice tone.

You walked out slightly shocked, he didn't shout at you? He wasn't rude?

You went out and got to Niki's cafe. You smiled as you knocked on her door, it swung open and she was there " Hey Niki!" You said. She looked disappointed " if you didn't get the message, Y/N, I don't want to see you" she said closing the door.

" I drugged him!" You shouted.

She opened the door again " really?" She looked at you surprised " yeah! He was pissing me off so  I decided to just do it" you boasted.

She smiled "well then. I guess I will have to say something" she looked embarrassed "I'm sorry for setting your house on fire" she said bashfully " I over reacted" you looked at her " it's fine I still have the book, so yeah!" You said grinning.

You chatted for a while and decided to head back. You waved bye and looked over your shoulder as you walked away and spotted Quackity running at you "Y/N!" He shouted
"George and Schlatt! They've went looking for you! They got worried!" He said panting as he got closer.

You looked at him "but I said that I was going to meet Niki- they know where I am" you said in a worried voice "they won't know where you are in a bit!"

You heard the birds fluttering around you and a loud SPLASH and CRUNCH

It was all silent and then you collapsed into a pool of blood- YOUR blood.

You rolled over and looked at the sky. The clouds looked so soft you swear that if you touched them you wouldn't feel anything. The sun set was bright and looked like silk. If you had looked at it for a second longer you were sure you would go blind.

"Y/N!" You heard someone scream, it sounded like George.

"Someone ran that way!" Quackity shouted running off with someone trailing behind him.

You felt an arm sweep you off the cold grass, now covered with blood. You heard a groan " you owe me a new suit" a familiar voice said " just stay in there Y/N, don't die on me- literally" you felt the man pull you closer, you knew who it was and smiled.

~ Time skip of  Truth... again~

You woke up in pain, unable to sit up. You looked around to see if anyone was there, you saw Schlatt sitting there reading a book " I never thought you were the type to read" you said with a smirk (waking up and being sassy am I right?).

His head perked right up " Jesus Christ Y/N!" He jumped up and hugged you " please be careful, Mr President" you said as he squeezed you. He moved away from you slowly and sat back down in the seat he once sat in " Y/N?"

You were looking down at your bandages but when you heard your name you looked at him "yeah?" You fiddled with the tied end of the bandages "do you remember who tried to kill you?" He asked leaning forward.

You had to think long and hard about the answer, before you answered you sighed "unfortunately not" you responded. You tried to sit up but had forgotten that you had the wound, you didn't know how you forgot about it as it was painful as hell.

Schlatt looked at you " how the fuck did you forget that you had a massive slash across your chest? It broke a few of your ribs!" He said with a laugh.

You laughed as well " no clue, Mr President, no clue" you said "Schlatt. Just call me Schlatt" he said with a smile. You smiled back " okay then Schlart" you pronounced his name wrong on purpose " do not call me that" he said sternly "okay" you replied quickly.

It went silent then he stood up and sat at the end of you bed " listen Y/N if you need anything just shout for me okay?" He seemed in a better mood than yesterday.

You stared at him for a bit then snapped out of it " hey Schlatt?" You looked at the blanket "is your suit okay?" You asked trying not to laugh and seem as serious as possible. He just looked at you, confused "I'm sorry, what?" You held yourself together " you said that after, I assume,  you picked me up me." He looked at you then the memory clicked "oh yeah, it was my favourite suit" he said pretending to have his feeling hurt "why was it your favourite?" You asked curiously "because it made me look better than I do, which I know sounds impossible!" He said smiling.

You sat there staring at him and think 'what doesn't?' You zoned out thinking about him then snapped out of it 'he's your boss, Y/N, you're his employee. You shouldn't be thinking this stuff' you told yourself.

He soon headed off as it was getting late and he had a festival to plan.


Hey guys!
That was a lot of writing.
I hope you enjoyed!
Remember to stay safe!

.•* Word count *•.

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