.•*My Old Ending*•. pt.2

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Just saying this part is why I deleted it.

Your head slowly lifted off the soft pillow while birds sang out the window. You looked around and things didn't look good "where am I?" You asked, you sat up and the room spun around. You looked over and saw Schlatt walking in the room "you feeling okay, Y/N?" He asked, stroking your head. You sighed and pushed his hand away "that's not creepy at all" you said sarcastically. A sudden pain in your neck hit you "god!" you exclaimed, grabbing your neck "what the fuck did I do last night!?" You shouted, banging the back of your head off of the bedposts.


This wasn't your room.

This wasn't your room at all.

Where were you?

You looked around more and saw lot of differences. More furniture, clothes and just more fancy things in general. You stood up and looked at the floor, the pattern was different. It was a dark blue carpet. The complete opposite of the floral carpet in your room. You looked forward and started heading for the door "wait!" Schlatt shouted running after you.

He put on a pair of black trousers and ran to the door "just be careful of what you say to some people" he said opening the door for you. You chuckled and pecked him on the cheek "I promise I will" you said walking out and down the hall. The small pain appearing now and again "what the fuck?" You muttered. You didn't notice Quackity stood in front of you and you bumped right into him "Jeez! Y/N you scared me" he said with a smug smile curling at his lip "sorry" you said, grabbing at your neck. The pain was beginning to annoy you "I'm just not feeling right today" you said, pushing past him and down the hall into Schlatt's office. Quackity walked behind you "Schlatt had a plan he wanted to discuss" He said sitting in a chair across from Schlatt's desk and iconic brown leather chair.

You sat down next to Quackity and stayed in silence until Schlatt came in. Schlatt cleared his throat and sat down in front of the two of you "Y/N, Quackity" he said, blankly. You looked out the window and spotted rain pattering on the glass. Quackity looked outside with you "eyes on me guys" Schlatt said "I wanted to just celebrate how well everything is going with some parts of the nation and our plan!" Schlatt said. You looked at Quackity who had something to say "but before that, sir, we need to finish some important paperwork" he said, placing an entire binder of work on the desk. With how thick the binder was you thought the desk would snap.

Schlatt looked at the binder and then at you two "well, if we split it then it'll be faster" he said opening it and taking out a few chunks and spreading them out evenly. You smiled and looked at Quackity "so do we just sign it where there's a blank space?" You asked "with these, yeah. Pretty much nailed it"Schlatt said "and I'll nail you later" he muttered. You rolled your eyes at him. This was a normal thing now.

You sighed and sped through the wall of paper that lay in front of you. Quackity finished before you- not that it was a race or anything but it bothered you. Something was up with him. You finished the last page and so did Schlatt "so, we all done?" Schlatt asked looked at the both of you "I used your signature, sir" you said, attaching the paper to the folder.

~ A Few Hours Later ~

The more you spoke to the men the funnier the conversations got. You talked about strange partners, weird break ups and just odd stories from your lives. You snorted and said "remember the time Quackity tried to kiss you?" You laughed. Schlatt joined in and Quackity got embarrassed "I was drunk! You can't- that's just mean!" Quackity shouted. He reached for another bottle and chugged it "if we're doing more pointless stories then I guess we'll bring up the time that you proclaimed your 'love' for Schlatt in front of the entire nation" Your cheeks went bright red and you struggled to find words until Schlatt grabbed you by the shoulder and pulled you closer to him "oh yeah! That was so fuckin' stupid, why'd you think it was a good idea, doll?" Schlatt asked, rubbing your shoulder.

You moved away from him and calmly said "I felt like it was a cute gesture" Schlatt and Quackity burst out laughing "what about the time that you had run out of luck and got stabbed!" Schlatt shouted. The two men screamed and fell back with laughter meanwhile you stayed there. That was too far. That was such a dumb fucking thing to say.

You stood up and staggered out of the room "Y/N, where the fuck are you going?" Quackity asked, following you out. You stayed silent and kept walking "Baby, why are you mad? We did nothing wrong-" Schlatt said as you stumbled out the door. You were drunk and couldn't find the right words except for 'Fuck off, dickheads' but you kept that to yourself- well, until you needed to use it. You smirked as you walked down the marble staircase because you could do whatever yo-


You screamed as a sharp pain dig into your neck. You fell down the stairs and bruised your leg "pfft, Schlatt, she did it!" Quackity yelled "I thought she wasn't that naive" Schlatt added, looking down at you as you lay on the path. You looked up at him as your vision blurred "what the fuck did you do!" You shouted, a shock hit you again and your head hit the dirt path. Schlatt sighed then began to chuckle "Doll, we gave you a small thing that is able to track you and only when we want it to, shock you" he said lifting up your head. Soon after he scooped you up and walked back inside.

Schlatt held onto you tightly as he carried you upstairs and into your room. He placed you down and helped you to your bed "there" he said as you sat down on the edge of your bed. You stayed there, sitting completely still whilst Schlatt walked over to the door "as bad as I may be, I do still care about you" he said as he walked out and closed the door behind him.

You sighed and lay down.

They were unstable.

But one thing boggled your mind.

Why this?


Hey guys!
Sorry I haven't posted in a while I haven't been feeling too good.

Hope you enjoy this fucked up story and learn to not write like me earlier this year.

.•* Word Count *•.

Posted 11:14 pm Thursday 7 October 2021.

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