Chapter 14: Downhill

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'That fuck!' You thought catching your breath "ooh~ Y/N have you really been helping the rivals?" Dream mocked.

You wanted to snatch his mask off and smash it on the floor "Thank you, Quackity, that's very good to know" Schlatt said rather calmly. You honestly thought he would've slaughtered you on the spot "Schlatt, it's not true" you said with a small delay.

The room lay silent for a minute or two and Schlatt looked at Quackity and he left with a smirk "go jump off a bridge Quackity" you said staring at him as he walked out.

Quackity got out the door and burst out laughing. Wilbur and Tommy were still upstairs sitting, speaking, hopefully praying that you'd come back to them safe. George was listening in through the crack in the door.

Dream looked at schlatt "is it okay if I stay here? Y/N has been a pain in my ass for a while and I'd love to see her get taken down a level" he looked at you, staring dead into your e/c eyes.

Schlatt nodded at dream then leaned backwards in his chair. You noticed small details of his room and noticed how it had slightly changed. The once lit fireplace was now put out and the messy desk was clean.

Other small details that you could easily forget were now changed ever so slightly.

You placed your hands on your knees and looked at Schlatt "Schlatt everything Quackity says-" Schlatt cut you off with a laugh "oh doll you are just full of bullshit! I believe Quackity more than you and sweetheart I think that may be saying something, I mean like we fucked, you'd expect me to trust you with anything at this point but I had a feeling you'd be a fucking rat" he said leaning on the palm of his hand.

His words stung, you hated every word but knew most of it was true. It was painful to hear the man you loved saying such hurtful things about you.

"So doll are you going to confess?" He asked taking a sip of the water on his desk "I mean didn't you say she drugged you twice?" Dream chimed in "yeah she did" Schlatt replied "it's all starting to make sense now, you gained my trust to learn information and give it to those traitors!" He shouted slamming his fist on the desk.

Dream laughed "should I tell the traitors they can go?" He asked. Schlatt shook his head "no, let's make them watch their friend die" he smiled "that sound like a good plan, princess?"

You looked at him terrified "Schlatt you won't actually kill me?" Your eyes were full of fear and they loved seeing that "for a traitorous bitch like you, Y/N? I would love to see your head on a spike" he let out a laugh you hadn't heard from him before. It frightened you, you hated everything that was happening.

Dream looked at you "so Schlatt is there anything else you'd like to say before we lock her up until her execution?" He asked pulling you out of your seat "I should have never saved you" Schlatt said.

You started thinking back to the woods and that house, the path that he showed you. You must look like such a dickhead to him given everything he had done for you.

You kept thinking and eventually tears rolls down your cheeks making you slightly embarrassed but you brushed them away "and we don't actually have a dungeon or a jail we could keep her in until tomorrow"

Tomorrow?! Isn't that a bit early? It was too late to go back on what had already been said.

"What if you lock me in my room?" You suggested "that's not a bad idea" Dream said dragging you out the room. It was the first time he had said anything slightly nice to you ever.

Schlatt stood up and walked over to you before you left "it was fun having you as a play thing, doll" he said leaning closer to your face.

Dream closed the door of the office and took you upstairs threw you in your room "Y/N! Are you okay?" Tommy asked running over "she's getting executed tomorrow at the podium, be there at sunset" dream said walking out and locking the door.

When you heard the lock click you burst out in laughter "this is so fucking stupid! I should've kept running to the forest with you two" you shouted, the lump in your throat rising until you started crying.

Wilbur sat down next to you and hugged you "don't worry we'll come up with a plan, I promise" He hugged you and Tommy sat next to you as well and patted your head.

You ended up crying yourself to sleep while the others made a plan.


Bro I swear Y/N in my story is Gogy.
They sleep through important things on the SMP.
Have a great day/night and I'll see you in the next chapter.

.•* Word Count *•.

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