Chapter 20: Not Very Alone

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TW: Abuse, Arguments, Drunk Dumbass Goat man, and a lot of swearing.


Your eyes fluttered open as floorboards creaked. You looked at where the noise was coming from and saw Schlatt sitting up and planting his black leather shoes on the hardwood floors. His head turned "Hey Y/N" he said. He was tired of getting up early for work, he was tired of staying in the White House all day. You sat up onto your pillow "hey Schlatt, did you sleep well?" You asked shuffling closer to him. He chuckled and hugged you "yeah but I have a bad fucking headache" he said. You responded to this by hugging him back, the strong smell of alcohol coming off him. You didn't mind it at this point.

You let go but he didn't "can we just stay like this for one more minute?" He asked gripping you tighter "yeah but I need to breathe" you said hugging him back. He loosened his grip and the two of you kept hugging for a while until he let go "need to head to my office and you can go into the garden" he said walking over to the door. You followed him "really?" You asked, you had a wide grin across your face "yeah but only the gardens, no where else" he opened the door and stood in the door way before finally closing the door. As his footsteps departed you jumped up and down with glee. You hadn't been kept inside for a month or any longer but it was amazing that he trusted you enough to let you go out. As you were jumping someone hit the floor, telling you to stop.

You walked over to your wardrobe and found an outfit that you deemed okay for the weather. You put it on and tied your hair back into a loose ponytail. You walked over to your door and headed down to the pond where you and Tubbo had planted flowers. You missed Tubbo, he was such a good kid and didn't deserve that. You did the best you could to keeping him safe but it wasn't enough. Guilt cam over you and you sat down at the edge on the pond in a clearing so you didn't ruin the garden that took so long to make.

Your emotion switched as you heard a calming voice "Hi Y/N" you spun around and saw the one person you were hoping to see "George!" You shouted, shooting up and over to him. You hugged him and accidentally pushed him over "it's only been a day Y/N!" He giggled standing up. The two of you sat by the pond and spoke about Manberg and what he was doing during The War for Lmanburg's Independence.

He looked at you and took off his glasses "I was doing something" he said his eyes darting off into the distance. The White House had a beautiful view behind it and the pond was a beautiful spot. You could see for miles and miles. It was gorgeous. "I was helping Wilbur and the others" you said "you can tell me anything I won't mind" you said nudging his arm, making him shuffle a bit "I was helping Dream" he said. He blushed when he said it "are you embarrassed?" You asking with a small giggle. George shook his head and looked over to you "No I just don't want things to be awkward between us. Our side caused so much harm to yours and it wasn't the greatest thing to do" he said.

He rubbed the back of his head as you sat up and looked down into the pond. With one quick push you went tumbling in "George!" You shouted standing up, drenched with water. He laughed at you, you looked so silly with your hair all over you face "Y/N that was Quackity!" He said falling backwards. Quackity joined him. They howled like hyenas "you should see your face Y/N!" Quackity said composing himself but not being able to keep a straight face.

You looked at him then said "Schlatt!" He wasn't there though, Quackity snapped around and lucky for you that gave you time to pull him into the pond. He stood up, his face red with anger and embarrassment "That's not funny Y/N!" He shouted marching out the pond. You went inside to get towels and were greeted by Schlatt standing ominously in the hallway "you okay?" You asked walking closer.

You stood inches away from the man in silence and then he walked away. Was he mad at you? It was hopefully just stress, nothing else. You walked upstairs to get some towels and out a window you saw George being shoved into the pond. You burst out laughing. He stood up and dragged Quackity back in. They started play fighting and falling back down, getting wetter. It was adorable, their relationship was adorable. It changed almost everyday and could go from frenemies to brothers.

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