Chapter 25: Till death

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TW: mentions of death and mentions of war


The two of you stood there as the door slammed shut. You held each other tight. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you, Y/N" Schlatt said letting go of you and sitting on the floor. Odd seating choice but it didn't matter, you were curious and wanted to know what he was gonna say, "There's going to be a war" Schlatt continued, the draft from the window blowing his hair around, "and I want you to be safe!"

You looked at him, full of confusion, "I'm sticking with you no matter what!" You proudly proclaimed, smiling as you sat across from him.

He patted your foot and looked you dead in the eyes, "Y/N, as much as I love you, and I do, believe me when I say that" Schlatt said as he moved forward, "I think you should stay here. They know we're dating and what if they use you? What if they harm-"

You swooped in and kissed him "I'll be fine" You said letting go of him.

"Didn't think that would happen" He quickly stuttered.

The two of you sat and thought of plans on what Manberg could do and what Pogtopia could do. They had some good fighters but Manberg had a few good people as well. You were now going to have to fight with the people you fought against before all this happened.

Schlatt suddenly pulled you onto his lap, "Schlatt, what are you doing?" You asked wearily. You two had been dating for a while but he still found ways to scared you. He was intimidating to many and to you.

"Y/N, I love you"

That sentence warmed your heart, even though he had probably said it before it still meant a lot to you. "I love you too" you said.

He smiled and pulled you into his embrace, "I don't want to lose you" he muttered.

"I wouldn't want to lose me either" You laughed. Schlatt gave a chuckle as you hugged each other. Neither of you wanted to let go, "I don't want to stop hugging you"

"You don't have to!" He said, a smug smile across his face. He lifted you up and carried you to a couch near a fireplace. He let you stay on his lap, a soft smile on his face as he looked down at you.

You smiled as you watched the fire, "It's so pretty" You muttered.

"You're so pretty" He said back in a soft and kind voice. You leaned your head against his chest and curled into a ball while he wrapped his arms around you. You soon became tired and then fell asleep with Schlatt holding you as close to his heart as he could get you.

.•+*^ Two Hours Later ^*+•.

You woke up with Schlatt's suit jacket around your shoulders. You searched the room for Schlatt from the comfort of the couch.


Nobody but you.

You moved Schlatt's coat and walked over to the crackling fire. On a small table next to it was a note with a blood red rose next to it.

Dear Y/N,

You know I'm bad with emotions and especially these ones but I do love you. It's a fact by now and I tell most people about you and I can guarantee they will say that I only spoke good about you.
I've always liked you. Ever since I first saw you in the woods, soaked in dirty water, I knew you were special!

I've never loved anyone more than you and despite whatever might happen tomorrow I want you to know that.

You are mine, Y/N. Forever and always.

Love, Schlatt.

Your tears plummeted towards the note, making the already thin paper see-through. You got up and put the rose along with the note in your pocket, placing Schlatt's coat on the couch.

You walked down the echoey halls of the White House and found a room with men shouting inside. After listening from outside the door you heard a voice you loved dearly, Schlatt. He called all the others and told them to be quiet, "So the plan for tomorrow is set but I need two of you guys to stay here. I don't want my girl to be killed on the day we triumph against Wilbur and Tommy!" He yelled.

You heard a few voices volunteer and he recruited whoever agreed. You stood there, stunned. Schlatt was worried about you dying. Not like it was a surprise! He was your boyfriend after all. But, he is the president! He should be taking care of himself.

. . .
Maybe leaving would be a good idea?
Sure, it might break Schlatt's heart but it would get him to focus on war and not you.

Wilbur may accept you.
It was worth a shot-

With that sound you raced to your room. The door that opened was eerily close to you and Schlatt came marching up the hall to get to your room.

You raced to the bathroom to make it seem as if you were getting ready for bed.

"Y/N?" He said as he opened the main door. Schlatt walked towards the bathroom door but before he could think of opening it you screamed-

"Schlatt! I'd love some privacy!"

"Sorry, Sweetheart!" He apologised, backing away from the door and going to your bed. He took off his tie, his shoes and his belt, then he slid into bed and lay there, a book in his hands.

You walked out with a sigh, combing a hand through your hair. Schlatt called your name, making you look in his direction.

"Yeah, Babe?" You called back, grabbing your pajamas and getting changed.

"I love you with all my heart."

Tears formed in your eyes once more as you turned around,

"I love you too"


Edit: This used to be smut but I respect the creator and writing skills.

Have a wonderful day!

.•* Word Count *•.

Posted 10:31pm Saturday the 2 of October 2021.

Edited and finished 12:08am Tuesday the 30 of August 2022.

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