Chapter 23: Bastard

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Tw: Arguments, fighting.


"Fucking speak up, Schlatt!" You said, raising your voice so you weren't shouting but you weren't whispering. Your eyes followed Schlatt as he marched forward "Y/N, this is between me and Quackity so get the fuck out my way" he said trying to push you to the side "No" you replied "you are just an awful person, it was a game and we were all drunk! Why can't you get a grip." You said taking small steps closer to him. Quackity sat there wiping away tears, it wasn't nice at all. Defending the man that had tried to kill you wasn't the greatest but what Schlatt was doing, accusing you two of having an affair? This wasn't Quackity's fault.

You suggested the game.

If anything he should be mad at you.

Your hands tightened and you couldn't control anything anymore. Before you knew it you heard a loud bang, it was like a hard high five and then Schlatt stumbled backwards. After a second he caught himself. You looked at his face and knew there was no going back, he had a huge red hand mark on his cheek, right below his eye. He was pissed "Y/N, if you want to make me be seen as the villain then maybe look at yourself" Schlatt said as he looked down at you with utter disgust and disbelief. You looked back at him "do not try and frame me as the villain!" You shouted "why won't you ever just man up and use some fucking common sense?" Quackity was still just sat there wiping away his tears. The poor guy, he had already had enough drama, he didn't need more. You walked over to Quackity and crouched down in front of him "you okay?" You asked, placing a hand on his knee.

This was the final straw. Schlatt pulled you back by the hair "That is why I think you're cheating on me!" He shouted pulling you up to his eye line. The end of your hair ripped off "f-fuck!" You cried. Tears appearing because of the pain "what the fuck Schlatt?!" Quackity yelled standing up "Y/N has a point! Use what you have left of your brain" he huffed shoving Schlatt backwards and into the wall "oh you wanna act all tough because Y/N is hurt?" Schlatt mocked shoving him back.

You looked up at Schlatt "I'm disappointed that you called me your girlfriend" you said standing up and heading for the door. Schlatt looked around then ran towards you "Y/N don't go" he said leaning against the door stopping you from leaving. "Let. Me. Go" you paced your words, making yourself seem angrier than you actually were. "Y/N- I'm sorry" he said reaching for your hand. You moved your hand away "Schlatt, for fucks sake- let me out" you repeated. Schlatt stood there, completely silent then began sniffling and crying "I- I didn't mean it" he said falling down. You backed away from him as he fell on all fours "please just- just don't leave me, Y/N, I'd die if you didn't stick with me" he said reaching out for you.

You looked down at the man who was babbling on about how he could 'never live without you' until you interrupted "well you can and I think it's time we go our separate ways, JSchlatt" you said taking one step forward "Y/N, if you go I won't keep myself here" he said "good" you said "move on. Get a new job as something else" you stood there waiting for him to move while he sat on his knees "I'm gonna end it all if you leave, Y/N" Schlatt said grabbing your hand and pulling you closer.

Your face formed into a mix of sadness, annoyed and anger "so I can go on for the rest of my life while knowing I was the cause of your death? That's such bullshit!" You shouted kicking his arm. You jolted back as he threw his arms around your legs "Y/N, just stay and we can be together" Schlatt said "I- I'm sorry I accused you of... of-" he said his voice trailing off due to all the coughing and sniffling. You looked over to Quackity who just stood there "Schlatt, I honestly don't know- I mean you assaulted me a few weeks ago and I feel like we're just falling apart" you said removing his hands from you.

The two of you stayed there but then Schlatt stood up, opened the door and spurted out"I'm gonna do it if you leave, Y/N" you sighed and walked out "I doubt it" you walked into your room and locked the door.

You ran over to your bed as you heard another door slam and hard knocking on your door, it brought back memories of a night you couldn't forget, the night that affected your relationship. Besides the execution stuff and the faking it all.

~ The other side of the door ~

Schlatt slammed his fist against the door "Y/N- baby, open the door!" He shouted sliding down the locked dark oak door. George looked down the dark corridor and saw Schlatt hitting the back of his head against the door while crying and yelling "Sweetheart please! I need you here." Before he knew it George was pulled into Quackity's room "they had a fight, because Y/N came to check on me" Quackity said holding onto George, giving him a big hug "it's all my fault" he said squeezing George. George sighed "I'm gonna go get something from the shops, wanna come with me?" George asked. Quackity nodded and followed him downstairs.

Schlatt sat there and cried for hours "Y/N" he shouted "p- please, I don't wanna be alone" Schlatt said softly hitting the door. He was weak and tired from fighting. It didn't last very long until you opened the door "go away" you said "I'm not in the mood" Schlatt nodded and walked off.

~ Back in Y/N's room ~

You heard glass shattering and screaming from down the hall. You wanted to check but didn't wanna risk it, in case Schlatt was that mad. Whenever he got sad it would always end in shouting and drinking. You curled into a ball while chaos happened outside the dark oak door.

A red rose fell on your head and you twirled it around in your fingers "pretty" you muttered as you dozed off to the sound of yelling and books being thrown.

You wished he felt as bad as you did.



Anyone here watch Squid Game?
I just did, it's amazing!

Also just saying I wrote a bit of a fucked it version of events before rewriting it to make it more friendly.
Should I try and rewrite the fucked up shit as a completely different thing?

Would you guys care?

.•* Word Count *•.

Posted 10:00 pm Wednesday 28 September 2021

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