Chapter 26: Do We Part.

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TW: Gore details, shouting and death.


The day came.

The day that you wanted to stall.

You walked over to the podium where everyone was gathered and saw Schlatt standing in his usual spot, above the microphone, inches away from the edge. You stayed on the side when started to speak "Good morning Manberg" he said, his voice booming around the area "today we go to war with Pogtopia" he said, maintaining a calm demeanour throughout the rest of the speech "if we're going to win, which we will, we need our best suits of armour and our sharpest swords, arrows and axes" he said. He cleared this throat "so get out of here and go do that" Schlatt stood still as people began leaving.

Not very long after Sapnap came back wearing netherite armour and a lot of weapons, potions and arrows. It was perfect "Hey Schlatt" you said, stepping towards him. He switched off the microphone and answered back "hey Y/N, what's up?" You smiled and said "well I just wanted to say that I will stick by you throughout the entire war" A smiled shone on Schlatt's face "Y/N, I don't wanna be a pain in the ass or anything but can you get me a drink?" Schlatt asked. Every time something stressful happened he coped with alcohol. It's a common thing but it was a problem, he was drunk almost every night and he was barely ever nice when he was. You nodded and walked back to the White House and grabbed a bottle of whiskey when an arrow shot out of a nearby tree.

You turned and walked closer to the tree and saw Wilbur "Y/N, I've come to double check that on your opinion" he said hopping down "What opinion?" You asked, checking to see if Schlatt was looking your way, he wasn't. Wilbur sighed "the one about joining my side" he said, Wilbur looked like he hadn't slept in days and was on the verge of crying "I'm sorry but I have to stay here, for Schlatt" you said, waddling off back to Schlatt "he's just using you y'know!" Wilbur shouted back. You shook your head and walked back to Schlatt who was tapping his foot.

You tapped his shoulder and he spun around "thanks doll, it took you a while"Schlatt said, taking the bottle out your hand and chugging it "you cannot be drunk when we go to war, okay Schlatt?" You said. He patted your head then placed the bottle next to your foot "One bottle won't kill me" He said with a chuckle. You smiled and stepped back as more people came back to the podium. You saw how many people were here, not many to be honest. Niki had gone and Tubbo had left. Why would he have-

Never mind.
Valid reason.

You smiled as Schlatt finished speaking and the two of you walked to get your own things. You got your shield, full netherite armour, your axe, and your bow and enchanted arrows. You were ready and Schlatt came out with the basic things he needed, an axe and some armour. He was so confident he didn't put on the helmet. You walked out together "I'm sad this may be the last time we walk together" you said with a sorrowful smile peeling at your mouth. Schlatt laughed "what a way to remind me" he said, wiping away tears that you couldn't tell if were from laughter or crying. You sighed, your smile fading "Schlatt, just in case I don't get the chance to ever again I want to say this" you stopped and held his hands "I love you" you said. He smiled and replied "not now, I kinda need to stay focussed"

You let go of his hands and started walking normally beside him, just in silence. You were disappointed that at the possible last moment of your relationship he wasn't willing to say I love you back. The two of you eventually got to the battle field and looked at all the familiar faces "Y/N, I'm sorry if I've caused you any sadness or anger" Schlatt said, his smile faded.

Pogtopia charged forward as did your side. You lunged at the nearest person and saw it was Quackity "So" he said "I guess I get a time to finish you off-" you slashed his thigh and Quackity screamed, the loudest the man had screamed in his life. He drank a potion so you stepped back and shot harming arrows at him. He screamed in pain as one hit his wound, you looked down at the man who had left you to bleed out and die "You're such a shit person, Quackity" you said landing the final blow to his chest. The blade went straight through and blood crawled out of him and down a small hole. You walked around until your heard someone running behind you.

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