Chapter 21: Away For a While

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You slowly lifted your head up off the wooden floors, you had fallen off the couch again. You rubbed your head and groaned "every single day, this is now part of my schedule" you stood up and groggily walked over to Niki's fridge. You got a carton of milk and went to make some cereal when you heard light footsteps, your head darted to a small, dimly lit hallway that Niki had just started walking down. She smiled "good morning Y/N" she said, rubbing her eyes.

The two of you stood and spoke about what you two would get up to today "I'm meeting with Wilbur again" Niki said, grabbing a piece of toast "I might pop back over to the White House" you said scooping a spoonful of cereal into your mouth. Niki stood there just staring at you "Y/N, I know it's your choice to go back or not but I think that you shouldn't, I mean, last time you went he slapped you and then sexually assaulted you" she said taking another chunk out of her toast. You rolled your eyes "I know but he didn't mean it" you said finishing off your cereal and placing the bowl in the sink "I'll do the dishes later" you said to Niki. She laughed and jokingly said "you better" you laughed at her then headed off to go get ready.

You walked over to Niki's wardrobe and picked out an outfit that looked cute. You and Niki were basically the same height, there was a slight age difference but it wasn't much. You walked out, said bye to Niki and headed off. It didn't take too long to get to the White House and when you got there it was a mess. Nothing was right.

Books off the shelves and scattered all over the floor. Files half burned in the bin. 'Did he throw a party or something?' You thought walking over to Schlatt's office. You knocked on the door and the man you wanted to see answered "come in" you walked in and looked at the man. He was a mess. His hair, his tie, everything was messy. You walked over to his desk and sat across from him "You okay?" You asked looking at him. He looked as if he had zoned out and hadn't come back yet. He looked at you then shakily replied "y- yeah" he said "what happened here?" You asked kicking a scrunched up piece of paper out the way. He looked down at his desk and ran his fingers through his hair "That doesn't matter" he said "the thing that does matter is that Dream came by and asked how you got out because you weren't even supposed to be able to leave" he muttered.

His breathing became erratic and out of place "I- I don't know what to do" he said digging his nails into the desk leaving massive scrapes in it. You hopped over the desk and kneeled in front of him "Schlatt, I'm gonna need you to take one deep breath in and then one out, okay?" You said taking his hand and holding it firmly. He took three deeps breaths in then three out "I'm just- I need you here Y/N, it's the only way I feel calm" he said planting a kiss on your forehead.

You smiled "I only came here to check in on you and the others and I'm glad I did" you said standing up. He stood up with you and gave you a big, tight hug. You hugged him back but found it hard, he had squeezed your arms so tight they were pinned to your sides "I love you Y/N" he said "If you weren't here I don't know what I'd do" he let you go and you headed off to clean up outside his office. Quackity came back with a few treats from the local Bakery and George was with him "hey guys!" You said picking up the full bin bag you had in your hand.

They stood there confused "Y/N we thought you weren't coming back, it's been weeks" George said running over and hugging you "Everyone is really into hugs today, huh?" You said with a small laugh. Quackity stood there in silence "Schlatt told us what he did and he kept breaking down and drinking then shouting at us to find you, the cycle repeated over and over" he said, his then cheery face turning dismal. You walked outside and headed to the big, black bin behind the White House. You chucked the bag in and walked back but stopped in your tracks. Dream was there around the corner, speaking to Schlatt "Is Y/N back yet, Schlatt?" Dream asked, his voice trampled your mind, it sent shivers down your spine yet reminded you of a nicer time when he didn't have a grudge against you.

Schlatt must have stood there in silence before answering "she isn't here" he said staring off towards the forest. Dream turned around and looked at the forest "is she with them?" He asked pointing the sharp towards the tips of the tallest trees "them?" Schlatt said, then it clicked "oh them!" He said with a chuckle "I don't know" he said. Dream pulled Schlatt forward then shoved him into the wall "You were supposed to keep her here! You had one job and you blew it, honestly Schlatt you are useless!" Dream shouted.

You hadn't seen anyone stand up to him but it was worth it. Sure the man you liked was being berated by a green blob with a mask on but it was nice to see him knocked down a few pegs. He always acted as if he was the smartest man on the planet but here he was, helpless, pinned against the wall being screamed at by someone that barely had any power. Except revival but you doubted that it would be useful in this situation.

Schlatt stuttered and struggled to speak for a minute until Quackity walked around the corner "actually I saw her run that way last night, she came by to say hi to me and George then ran that way" he said pointing towards a small spot that had a slither of sunlight hitting it like a spotlight. Dream patted Quackity's shoulder and thanked him then he headed off. Schlatt sighed as you walked back over "thanks for not ratting me out" you said with a playful nudge "Yeah well when you're hot as fuck then obviously I've got to help" he replied smirking. You laughed at his joke and walked back in.

The four of you started clearing up all the rooms until the place was spotless. Schlatt stood in the centre of the room once everyone finished "we did it!" He said full of ecstasy. You smiled and joked "I'm guessing it's the first time you've cleaned" he looked over to you and smiled back "No but it's still an accomplishment" he said. Schlatt darted over to you then hugged you "I'm sorry for how I treated you" he said holding you tight. He let you out if his grasp and placed a kiss on your forehead "I'm still pissed off but not as much as before" you said looking him dead in the eyes.

He looked at you then brought all three of you into his office "Right, I know it's a minor thing to be proud of but can at least celebrate?" He asked picking up some wine "It's like the night we won" George started "yeah! When we drank too much and George fell asleep after half a bottle" Quackity said "HAH-" Schlatt laughed. You nudged both of them as George grabbed a bottle and chugged the whole thing "jeez, he looks sadder than Schlatt when he drinks" you laughed. Quackity joined in and burst out.

The three of you drank the night away. You started joking around about anything really and the four of you made fun of each other for most the night.

~The next day~

Your head boomed as you lifted your eyelids. The breeze touched your bare skin as you sat up straight.

Wait. . .

'bare skin'?

You looked down and yourself practically naked sitting on Quackity.

"Oh no"


Well we're fucked.
In more ways than one-

.•* Word Count *•.

Posted 12:22 am Sunday 26 September 2021

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