Chapter 16: Sweet Baker

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This chapter is in Niki's PoV!

You woke up with a jolt and looked at your clock. No use in being lazy! So you got up and got ready.

Tying your hair back, putting on your favourite jumper and jeans with your apron over the top. You headed off to your small bakery and noticed something.

Something and shone in the distance and as you got closer you knew what it was. Fire. Someone had started burning your bakery "No! Who would do this?" You shouted running over and grabbing the small birch sign that had only had soot on it.

You placed down the sign and saw something, a footprint. You didn't think too much of it but soon noticed a small detail. A name. As if the person with the shoes on couldn't get more self obsessed they had their name on the bottom of their shoes. Even though it was backwards you knew exactly who it was.

Schlatt. That pompous prick had burned down your bakery.

You ran straight over to the White House and didn't even bother to knock on the doors you kicked them in leaving a dent in the door to The Presidents office.

The 'amazing president' was slouched over on his desk. He must've passed out from drinking a lot yesterday.

But his head lifted off the paper that was scattered on his desk, as bottles were scattered on the floor he knocked one over with his foot making whatever was in the bottle spill on the wooden floor.

"What do you want?" He grunted and brushing his hair back.

"Why did you do it?" You asked bearing your sword in your hand.

"Do what? Be more specific I've done a lot of things" he said mocking your voice.

You growled starting to grow impatient "my bakery! You ruined everything". You placed the blade of your sword up to his throat "you knew exactly what I was on about you mother fucker"

Someone rushed into the office opening the door with a thud. It was his Vice President George.

You spun around the blade still at Schlatt's throat.

George looked at you scared "Niki please don't do anything rash" he said grabbing the sword out your grasp.

Schlatt made his way around the desk as the sword clanked on the floor and was soon standing ahead of you and beside George. The hybrid towered above you and smirked "anyway I think it's obvious I don't like you and the way that you spoke to me yesterday pushed over the edge"

You looked at him "you called me a bitch!" You shouted. Every time you saw this man the more repugnant and revolting he got.

His looks and personality. Every single thing got worse. He was drinking more and he kept stressing. Over what it was got you thinking.

He kept the same dumb smirk on his face "I meant it, believe me" he said "also I have a feeling you know where Y/N is and I need her here so fess up"

You looked at him and clenched your fist. Eventually without even thinking you punched him making his cheek swell up.
George gasped at you action and threw himself forward to help Schlatt but he got stopped by the man you had just hit.

"You're a terrible person JSchlatt. Y/N left for a reason and I think you know what it is" you said as you looked at the door that was not too far away.

As you walked over to the door, barging passed the president and his vice Mr President shouted something "I will get her and her blood will be on your hands"

You rushed back to your home on the verge of tears "he's ruined everything!" You shouted slamming the door of your house  "he's fucked up the country" you said throwing a vase against the wall making it shatter into bits "he burned my bakery"

You continued with your fit of rage and eventually calmed down cleaning up afterwards.

"Tomorrow will be better" you told yourself.

It always is.


Ayup my friends!
How yall doinn'?
I'm good just writing stories.
What type?

Uhm...... not family friendly ones.

Sorry for the short chapter I just thought it'd be nice to have a chapter in this JSchlattxReader to have a small thing dedicated to the best!
.•* Word Count *•.

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