Chapter 17: This is pog

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You woke up with the sun coming through a gap there was in a door you had made quickly so nothing would attack you while you slept. The sun blinded you making you shut your eyes and get out  on the other side.

You looked around and noticed you weren't at home which startled you. You went and headed out the small stone cave you now called a room and looked around Pogtopia. It looked odd to be fair though it was only built by people who have no clue what an aesthetic is.

You saw someone was awake so you headed over "hey Technoblade" you said sitting down next to him. He shuffled away from you but he still had a conversation with you "How are you Y/N?" He asked with his head turning to face you and his eyes on something else.

You started chatting with him just minor questions and then one stuck out to you "how do you think Wilbur's holding up?" You looked at him confused then realised you had left him. You had left Wilbur alone in Manburg with Schlatt. You shot straight up stumbling backwards and into a the stony walls of the ravine "fuck! fuck! Fuck!" You yelled "I left him there!"

Technoblade stood up and turned to look at you "why are you so mad at yourself? It was either you escaped with Tommy or you died getting Wilbur out" he said in his usual monotone voice. He wasn't the kindest sounding person or the kindest person but he did care about Pogtopia, Wilbur, Tubbo and Tommy and that you were thankful for. You stared at Technoblade "He would be here though, fighting the evil that rules over his old nation" You were dead serious when you said that but he burst out laughing "You can speak normally this isn't the 1800's" You found it a bit funny too and let out a small laugh.

You still felt like you had to do something. To anyone around you it may have seemed like you wanted to die but you really just wanted to see Wilbur and get him out with most of his lives, even if it meant losing yours. You packed a few things then went off to find where Wilbur was.

As you walked through Manberg you saw small things you had missed in the past 24 hours but that didn't matter, you were set on finding Wilbur and saving him from anything that could be happening to him. You kept a low profile walking past so many people that was looking for you thank god that Techno had given you a mask and hooded cape he had stolen from someone. You got over to the White House and put your hood up and ran up the stairs. With perfect timing your cape caught the attention of someone walking out of the room nearest the door.

You rushed to your room not bothering to pick up anything you had knocked over. You slammed into each door not finding anyone or anything until you got to your room where the door was locked. Once you had noticed that your door wasn't opening and someone had spotted you running up the quarts stairs you threw yourself into the hard wood door until your shoulder felt like it was gonna break. After the fifth or sixth time you managed to open it "Hello?" a frightened voice said sounding like they had been crying for decades. You looked around and saw someone hiding behind a chair so you flung your hood off and threw the mask you were wearing at the door. The door slammed shut behind you and being an intelligent person you locked it, double checking a few times just to make sure it was locked properly then you ran over to the person "Wilbur it's me!" you said giving them a big hug.

Wilbur hugged back "Y/N I missed you" he said squeezing you but at this point you couldn't care less. It was amazing to see him again "Quick we don't have much time" you said getting up and then helping him up. He walked towards the balcony and started pulling on the handle to open it "I've been trying to open this for days" he said as you walked over "it won't budge" a dangerous idea popped into your head "what if we ran out the way we came in?" you suggested "it would be a lot easier than risking our legs plus we're pretty fast" you said. In most of these situations you had been an optimist but sometimes the bad things stuck out like a sore thumb.

You looked over at the door as you heard a loud bang and screams that sounded like Quackity and George "If you go down Y/N I promise I'll catch you" Wilbur said climbing down quickly. He soon reached the grass that had started dying due to there not being too much water coming into that area. You contemplated actually going I mean like, what if he didn't catch you and you just fell? Wouldn't Schlatt like to see you again though? You wondered what would happen if you did or didn't do it. As your mind danced around the options the door started clicking and snapping. You eventually decided to jump and not to your surprise Wilbur caught you and started running ahead of you once he placed you down. You chased after him then heard two familiar voices from behind you "Y- Y/N?" they stuttered.

When you turned around you saw your worst nightmare. Tubbo was being held by the wrist by the president who had Technoblade on the other side of Tubbo pointing a firework on his head. Neither of them looked happy with the situation but Quackity and Schlatt looked like the happiest men on earth. They looked at you and Wilbur "If the two of you run away this little guy is gonna die, fuck yeah that rhymed!" he shouted over to you and Wilbur. You didn't wanna risk anything so you walked over to Schlatt who instantly grabbed you by the arm and pulled you closer to him, keeping you trapped in his grasp. But Wilbur didn't care and walked away "Wilbur!" You and Tubbo shouted after him in unison "You fucking asshole!" you yelled. He kept walking away. Just kept walking. He couldn't give less of a fuck about Tubbo's life, could he?

"I said if both of you came over he wouldn't die so techno pull the fucking trigger" Schlatt said pulling you over to face Tubbo and Techno. Tubbo's face went pale and when Schlatt let go of him he started trying to run away but the firework was faster and with one shot and a bright burst of colour he was gone, not forever but he had lost a life. That prick he gave up someone else's life just to be safe! You couldn't believe it at all. Tubbo had lost a life and it was Wilbur's fault.

"So Y/N care to tell us what's been happening where ever you've been?"



Thank you guys so much for 400+ reads! It means so much to me

!!!Love you all so much!!!

Anyone else miss L'manburg?

Word Count


Posted 11:54 pm Wednesday 8th September 2021

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