Chapter 12: Boundries

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You looked at his arms while they were wrapped around you neck and started crying.

He looked at you and wiped your tears away "it's okay Y/N" he said as he patted your head "You'll be fine"

You looked at him, your eyes red from crying, then leaned in and kissed him.

The sudden kiss caught him off guard but he was comfortable with it.

When you finally let go of him you looked at him with a smile but you couldn't get rid of it "I'm so sorry!" You said with a small laugh. You were embarrassed that you had done that "it's fine, Y/N, sometimes you act on impulse and you accidentally kiss someone-" he said sitting on his desk, brushing his fingers through his brown hair "Schlatt I am really sorry about that" you replied standing up, your face was bright pink.

You wanted to leave, the more you stayed the more uncomfortable you got "listen I really just want to go Schlatt" you said as he leaned on the wall blocking your way out "Schlatt please-" you said getting slightly worried "Doll, I think you're stunning and amazing and I don't know what I'd do without you" he said with a chuckle "Schlatt?" You weren't sure he was listening to you when you said his name.

You back up step by step and every step Schlatt followed getting closer to you until you were up against his desk. He leaned over you on the desk making you basically lying down on the table.

You were so uncomfortable with this "Schlatt if this is a joke please just stop" you told him leaning backwards more and more.

Schlatt just looked at you and wrapped his arms around your neck. You wanted to go so badly "Schlatt stop" you said sternly, then he stood up straight "you can't take a joke can ya?" he said "what do you mean, Schlatt?" You asked, confused.

He looked at you then laughed "you look so worried! Don't be doll, you're not so pretty when you do that face" he said brushing hair out your face "Y/N, I get whatever I want and I want you" you looked at him slightly confused and disgusted at what he said "I'm sorry but I don't like the way you worded that" you said with a worried laugh.

'That was so out of the blue. Why would he just say that?'

So many thoughts were racing through your head.

"doll, I want you" he said leaning closer.

"Schlatt, have you ever heard of personal space?" You said leaning back a bit "cmon sweetheart it isn't so bad! You already belong to me so why say no to this deal too?" He said too cocky and confident.

You just stared at him "I belong to you?" "Yeah doll. The day you said yes to the job you basically were my property" he smiled "what the fuck Schlatt" you replied hastily. "Sweetheart just do as I say and we can do so many good things together" what he was saying sent shivers down you spine, every word- every letter did.

"Oh Schlatt my darling.. whatever.. I wish to be yours forever and stay an object for your satisfaction!" You said sarcastically "go choke on an apple core dickhead" you started walk out the room but got dragged back in and pinned to the wall "I need a proper yes, princess" he said extremely close to your face.


He smiled lifting your chin up

"you'd have me forever"

he told you before dragging you into a kiss.

You hated it but couldn't do much, as much as you fought against him you couldn't get him off. You didn't give up not just yet "Schlatt can we have a drink?" You asked, which made him let go "of course doll, why'd you say no earlier?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

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