Chapter 19: Trapped

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You woke up and rolled over. The sun was hidden behind the clouds but was still able to pierce through your curtains and into your eyes. When you turned over you saw the back of a sleeping man's head. He slowly yawned and turned around facing you "this reminds me of last time" he said rubbing his eyes. You smiled at him, cupping one hand on the side of his face "It really does" you giggled.

The joy in you danced around like little fairies in your stomach. You sat up straight and pulled the covers closer to your chest, hoping to not reveal yourself anymore. He leaned on his side resting his head on his hand "Y/N you're fucking hot, like holy cow" he said picking up the covers and looking under. You slammed the covers back down and gave out a charmed laugh "you're so odd" you said playfully pushing his head away.

You had a boring conversation about the plans for Manberg which was really about how he was gonna make everyone invest in 'SchlattCoin' to make it the new currency or something like that but after that you hopped out of bed and got changed into a suitable outfit for sitting around and being questioned all day. You brushed your hair back and into a pleat, brushed your teeth, did your makeup, and put on your favourite broach. It was a lot but it seemed like a nice outfit.

You put on your shoes and looked over at Schlatt who had just sat up wearing nothing, not even bothering to grab a towel you had laid out on the side in case he wanted to have a shower. You looked over at him then snapped your head down "put on some trousers!" You said chucking his suit over to him. As he walked towards you he smiled and replied with a smug "you wouldn't have have said that last night~" he said grabbing your shoulders from behind you, making you jump "Still would've" you said trying to give back the same energy "now put on some clothes!" You giggled.

He looked at you and pulled a shocked expression "How dare you!" He said in a not so shocked tone. He put on his clothes and combed his hair back. He headed over to the door the paused "before you- before we" he corrected "slept together I was going to interview you" he said. Your heart sunk. It felt as if it had hit the ground and sunk into the core of the earth. You knew this would happen eventually but still why now? Would seducing him work again? He isn't the brightest person but would he catch on?

Your brain spun around in your head trying to think of things that could help but it was no use "Schlatt" you said "can I go and get some flowers?" You asked walking over to him. He looked at you pitifully and sighed "I can't let you out of here, Y/N" he said his smile turning into a straight face then a frown. You looked down at the wooden floors then back up at the large man's face "if you let me get them then I promise tonight will be better" you said gently picking up his hand and tracing the lines.

Schlatt planted his face in his free hand and then snatched the other away "As much as I would like that I don't think that it's a good idea" he said. You looked at him confused about why it 'wasn't a good idea' to redo last night "why not?" You asked "I was good right?" You gripped his forearm and shuffled closer to him "Yeah you were amazing and it was amazing but last time this happened- We happened you were using me for information to give to fugitives" he said.

Your heart arose from the pit of the earth it had figuratively made and went back in your chest. You felt a small piece chip off every time he said something about a bad thing that happened a while ago "you honestly think I would do that again? Schlatt I've changed!" You said starting to raise your voice. He looked into your eyes and took your hand off of him "Y/N, listen it's nothing against you I just wasn't good for a bit after that" he said. Your heart shattered "I'm sorry I did that but it's all in the past now! We can be together" you said holding both his hands and placing one against your face. You were making him uncomfortable and you knew it "sorry" you said letting go of him and stepping back. He turned and shut the door. As he did from the other side all you heard was "you better be"

A few hours went by not getting many visits to be honest but when people visited you it was normally people you didn't expect it to be. Niki, who couldn't bare Schlatt or just being around him, George who your honestly thought was going to leave at this point, and Quackity the man that you were sure hated you. They all came by just to chat even though Quackity mainly came by just to rub it in that they were starting to win and also interview you.

Quackity sat on the floor across from you "Give me one good reason why you should be kept alive" he said. You thought for a minute then came up with something "well I'm a good cook so I would be able to supply everyone with fresh food " A lie. Well. You wouldn't classify yourself as a shit cook but you wouldn't classify yourself as Gordon Ramsey. So you were mediocre.

The interview continued and then he left after saying something "I'm sorry for trying to kill you, not that you would've remembered too well" he said as he opened the door. You sat there facing the now closed door. Your jaw hit the floor as you heard that sentence.

He stabbed you?

He nearly ended your life?

Such a thing to say so calmly in conversation.

It was like saying

"Hey! Sorry a couple days ago I ran over your dog, anyway I'm going to a party"

Like, woah. Not a normal thing to add.

Niki's visit was nice, she brought pastries and flowers and your favourite tea. It was nice to be there with the person that you could trust and knew they would be there no matter what.

George's visit wasn't very long due to the fact that he got called on by Schlatt. You spoke about how stupid his idea for SchlattCoin was, you really shouldn't have been talking about that but it was a stupid idea. That was a fact.

After the long day of visits, interviews and tea. You looked out the window and saw the sun setting 'how is it that time already?' You thought grabbing your pajamas and starting to get changed. After you had got changed you sat in bed on your phone for a bit until you heard heavy footsteps coming towards the doors. Schlatt was there not doubt about it. He had always walked like he has trying to be the worst burglar in the country but you got used to it after a while.

You listened as the footsteps grew closer and noticed that someone was opening the door to your room. You guessed right, it was Schlatt except he was drunk. He staggered over tripping over his own feet "Y/N" he slurred "you- you're so hot" he hung onto the last letter for way too long. You thanked him as he flopped over on the bed and fell fast asleep. You couldn't be bothered to carry him to his room or shout for someone to help do that so you walked over to the door, closed it and walked back over.

You lay down next to him and just like he had, fell fast asleep.


Hey guys!
I've decided to take a break from writing for now to focus on school and drawings and family things.

Love you all!

.•* Word Count *•.

Posted 11:37 pm Wedsnesday 15 September 2021

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