Chapter 4: Take it back.

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You woke up at the sound of a door shutting, assuming it was Tommy getting up and out.

You decided to get up too just in case you would miss anything again.

You put on something you considered okay for the events of today. It was the results and everything would be good!

As you went downstairs you picked up the same things from yesterday and started heading off.

You caught a glimpse of the time through the window of Niki's cafe 'and of course I'm late again!' You thought as you ran down the wooden path to get to the podium in time.

You bumped into someone "Sorry!" You apologised, breathing heavily. You looked at the person and it was the last person you wanted it to be "No doll face it's my fault!" Schlatt said grinning. He had a smile that made you want to punch him, he just made you feel a certain way you didn't like.

You stood there still panting "Where are you off to in a rush sweetheart?" He asked looking down at you. You noticed he was wearing a dark red shirt with a black waistcoat on, black trousers and black shoes, not that it was important, but he honestly pulled it off well- what the hell were you thinking? Like what the fuck? Why?

You finally answered the question "You know where I'm headed and I'm going to keep walking" you said starting to walk but he walked beside you. "Well I'm headed the same way so we might as well walk together" he said with a smirk. You could have swore that if you weren't able to control yourself you would have probably hit him. Not that it would have done much, he was strong and could probably break you in two if he wanted.

You walked with him silently for a bit before you saw Quackity running towards Schlatt and you "Schlatt! Schlatt! Wilbur needs us and Y/N to get to the podium quick!" He said out of breath.

You looked at Schlatt who gave a wink at you before you started running. Your face went bright pink, you didn't notice but Schlatt did. He was such a dick.

You finally got to the podium and saw Wilbur, Tommy, Niki and Fundy waiting for you. Schlatt and Quackity eventually got to their side of the stage and stood beside each other.

Tommy walked over to you "Y/N you dumb bitch. How are you late two days in a row?" You just rolled your eyes at him "Good morning to you too Tommy" you said with a laugh. You looked to Wilbur who looked like he had seen a ghost "Wilbur is everything okay?" You asked "Yeah, Y/N everything's fine" Wilbur hesitated, looking down at you "Go take a seat in the crowd"

"The crowd?" You muttered walking down the stairs to take a seat. You sat next to Tubbo who was an acquaintance of yours. You didn't know why Wilbur had asked you to sit in the crowd you were normally up there with him.

You heard Wilbur's voice on the speakers "Hello my l'manburgians! Today is the results of the election" he said, a few people cheered "there was a small problem with fraud votes but I managed to find all the fake ones and count out the real ones" he said glancing over to Fundy. Niki looked at Fundy, ashamed and generally disappointed. They had a high chance of winning but he ruined it "Anyway!" Wilbur continued on "In last place with 9%of the votes is Coconut2020!" you could hear a few people clap and cheer "In third place with 16% is Schlatt2020" you looked up at Schlatt who didn't look sad, he didn't even frown he just had the same grin that he had given you before the election.

He made eye contact with you sending shivers down your spine. "In second place with 30% of the votes is.... SWAG2020!" You heard some people clap "Meaning the winner with 45% is POG2020!" He shouted, you stood up and cheered as did many people in crowd, as did Tommy but Wilbur looked anxious.

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