Chapter 2: Power

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The sunset made the side of Wilbur's face glow orange. It made what we was about to say seem like a fever dream. "I have decided to hold an election for president of Lmanberg!" He said with a confident smile.

When Wilbur smiled you knew that he was happy. He had a confident aura around him that could make any day better.

Everything went silent until you heard a voice from behind you. You turned around to find Quackity standing on a dirt tower he had made, "Wilbur, I don't think you're fit to run this country." He said.

You had never spoken to him much but felt like saying something to him today "Quackity are you sure that's a good idea? They clearly are better than you." You said look up at him, a few people giggled at it, including Niki.
Tommy walked over to you and dragged you over next to Wilbur, "Quackity we've gotten a head start! The woman has said-"
You chuckled at the nickname, "Thanks for that Tommy!"
Wilbur started laughing as well.

Quackity grew tired of this quickly, "Listen. I'm running for president too so get off your god damn high horse Wilbur." He scoffed climbing off his tower and walking away.

Tommy stared at the raven haired man, "You need a fucking partner!"

Quackity turned back and grinned "I do you'll see!" He started running away. You guessed it was to find someone.

Wilbur patted your shoulder " Y/N thanks for helping us. Even if it is a little bit strange, thanks"
You looked at him and smiled "Of course, it's the least I could do and don't question my tactics Wilbur!" You hopped down away from him and decided to go back to your house.

'They're gonna win. They have to win!' You thought to yourself as you walked along the dirt path. You opened the doors to your house and saw all your thing on the floor.  "What the hell?" You muttered to yourself. Someone had tried to find something in your house- they tried to find the thing.
"Oh no, no no!" You screeched, racing upstairs.  Taking your sword out just in case the culprit was still there. You ran straight to your office at the end of the corridor. The door swung open and hit the wall with such force you could swear there was a dent. You pushed over a plant to see if it was still there. "Thank the gods." You uttered, sighing with relief. "They didn't get the book." picking it up, you opened the book on the first page it read

Book of Revival

You looked down at its pages flicking through to make sure none had been ripped out. You put your hand on your heart, "Oh my lord!" All the pages were there.

You went back downstairs and started cleaning the place up. Who ever was trying to find it was clearly pissed about not getting the book, you found a note as you picked up a book.

'Go to the hill'

When you looked at the note you smiled knowing who had wrote it immediately.
You picked up a few things just in case something were to happen, like your sword, potions, bread and a few golden apples.
You went to a hill that you, Tommy and Wilbur used to hangout on. As you walked up the hill you saw them both speaking.
Tommy was sitting down crossed legged while Wilbur was pacing. He only paced when he was nervous about something.
"Is Wilbur okay?" You asked Tommy, you watched tommy and Wilbur get a fright as you walked closer to them. You sat next to Tommy leaning back on a rock.
"Y/N have you heard who Quackity's partner is?" Wilbur asked as he sat on the other side of Tommy, you shook your head.
"Great. I thought at least she would know" You heard Tommy say.

Everything went silent for a bit. It was a peaceful night, nothing important was happening at the moment. You stared at the stars. Suddenly Wilbur got back up and started pacing again "Wilbur why the fuck do you have to keep pacing?" You asked not meaning to come off as rude as you did.
He looked down at you and Tommy "I have a bad feeling about tomorrow" He let out a nervous laugh.
"Wilbur. They don't stand a chance against you" you grinned at him. "I have to go it's getting late" you say as you start standing up.
"Yeah- we best be heading back to prepare" Tommy said standing up too. Despite being younger than you he towered over you, you and Tommy had been friends since the war for Lmanberg's freedom.

You walked back eating the bread you packed and heard something behind you. You took out your sword and swung it behind you nearly hitting the person.
It was Niki.
"Oh my gosh, I am so so so sorry!" You said putting your sword away "I didn't hurt you did I?" You asked rushing you her.
"No it's fine- I'm okay!" She said giving you a hug.
"Thank you for the hug but why?" You asked her.
She looked at you smiling "You looked like you needed one" she told you, "So.. are you nervous for tomorrow?" She walked back with you making sure you got back safe.
"A little bit but it's not the results" a half-hearted laugh left your lips at what you said.
Of course it's not the results it was just told today.
You thought to yourself. You tried to change the subject "Soo~ want me to walk you to your house?" You asked.
Niki shook her head, "No I'll be okay!"
Grinning you began to think about how you'd been ignoring Niki recently. Due to the war it felt like you hadn't spoken to each other in ages. You, unfortunately had to say goodbye to her as you got to your front door, unlocking it and immediately sitting down on your couch. Falling asleep soon after, not knowing how bad tomorrow would be.


That is 2 hours of my life well spent I would say! Please leave suggestions as to what should happen because I'd like to have your ideas in the series.
Cya next time!

Edited 11.4.23
New word count

Word count: 1061

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