Chapter 6: Spilt whiskey

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TW! drugging.
If you don't want to read this stay safe and I'll see you next chapter. I'll try to help it make sense.

You walked to the hill again still wearing that outfit, you saw the rough outline of two boys standing with their arms crossed. As you ran up the hill you saw one of them pull out a sword and point it in your direction.

You got up the hill and looked at the two. Tommy was crying, you hadn't seen him cry before. "Tommy?" You looked at him worried and tried to rush over before Wilbur put the sword up to your neck.

"Y/N. You- you betrayed us! You left Tommy and I! You hurt Niki-" Wilbur shouted making you fall down.

"I didn't do that! I didn't betray anyone and if I did I didn't mean to!" You defended yourself.

Wilbur took the top of the sword and used it to tilt your head up to him, "You took his offer, Y/N, the man who exiled me! The man who exiled Tommy and I! You took his offer to become... I'm guessing by your outfit, his-" he stuttered waving his sword around as if he was making hand gestures with them.

You eventually cut him off, "I hate him as much as you do, Wilbur. And, this outfit? I was threatened by him, if I didn't put on this outfit I could've died!" You felt a lump forming in your throat, your eyes welling up with tears. "It must sound insane but please believe me!" You pleaded with him.

He paused and moved his sword away, "Y/N, you're mentally incapacitated if you think I'm going to fall for that. You have three seconds to start running" He stabbed his sword into the ground.

You shot up and began bolting it down the hill. You believed Wilbur could and would hurt you if he wanted to.

You eventually made it back to the White House in tears. George saw you and rushed over, "Y/N! A-are you okay?" He brushed a strand of your h/c behind your ear.

"They've all gone, they've left me." You said with more tears rolling down your cheeks. You collapsed to the cold floor with tears making a small pattering sound each time they hit the marble slabs.

George gave you a hug and sighed, "Jeez- okay. Just breathe, Y/N, breathe" George held you close and he stroked the back of your head. You just gave in and hugged him back.

Quackity and Schlatt came out of Schlatt's office. "What's going on?" Quackity asked, you could tell he was happy to see you sobbing on the floor.

George let go and helped you up, "Y/N came in here saying something about someone leaving her?" He let go of your hand while you nodded and wiped tears away.

Schlatt scowled at George and you, disgusted by the way he had show you kindness, something you were sure Schlatt wasn't capable of having. "You two, in my office. Now." He snapped at George and you.

You walked in with George and took a seat. Your eyes were bright red due to the tears and stung as you wiped more away.

Schlatt sat in his leather office chair and leaned back, resting his feet on the table. "You're probably wondering why I asked you two in here, and that is because of your actions" you looked at him confused.

George looked down at his legs slightly embarrassed and confused, you had enough of this guy "You're such a dick" you muttered.

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