.•*My Old Ending*•. pt.3

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"Shit!" You exclaimed as you shot up and out of your soft bed. The pain hit you again "wake up!" Quackity shouted gleefully. Quackity ran over to you and dragged you out of bed "wakey wakey Y/N!" He yelled. Schlatt stood outside your room but walked in and handed you some clothes "get changed quickly" he said sternly. The wind swept into your room and shuffled a small pile of paper you had laid out. The two men stood in your room, leaning on the walls "bathroom, changed, now" Schlatt repeated "unless" he waved the remote around and when you walked into the bathroom, placed it into his coat pocket.

Quackity and Schlatt chatted and joked as you got changed into a white crop top, jeans, and a pair of black boots. You walked out and stood in the doorway "there, you happy." You said as the two horrible men walked over and grabbed you by the arms "we have an issue" Quackity said as you walked down the long hallway with him and Schlatt clutching onto one arm each. You looked around as they brought you down the tall staircase.

Schlatt tugged on your arm as he and Quackity walked you outside. They walked to where the old walls stood "this look familiar?" Quackity asked, pointing at the tall trees close by "we need you to tell us what tunnels lead into Manberg" Schlatt said. You looked at them and sighed "they wouldn't tell me, they don't trust me" you muttered. Quackity's faced turned into anger "I know you're fucking lying, Y/N!" He shouted, pulling your arm and forcing you to look his way. Schlatt cleared his throat "Y/N, if you're lying we do have the remote" Schlatt said calmly.

How could he be calm when he's talking about hurting me?
I thought he loved me.
But now is no time to play the victim.

You thought. The trees opposite you swayed in the breeze, it pulled leaves your way and one hit Quackity in the face, the bastard deserved it. You sighed and pulled your arms away "there should be one running along under here" you said, pointing down and moving your pointer finger from A to B. From the forest to where you were stood. Quackity grabbed your arms and tied a piece of rope around them "do not do that again" Quackity said, giving you the evil eye. You looked at him then the rope "why do you carry this with you?" You asked "you're into some weird shit, aren't you?" Schlatt held back a chuckle while Quackity's not so calm expression stayed the same.

The walk back was silent until Schlatt found some people and ordered them to dig under where the walls used to be until they found a tunnel. The people did as they were told and then you all walked back to the White House. The remote in Schlatt's pocket stuck out the top and moved around.

Could I get it?

You wondered as they escorted you into his office. Quackity sat you down and then walked out, locking the door behind himself "you gonna untie this?" You asked, looking at Schlatt. Schlatt pulled your hands over the desk then undid the knot Quackity had made. You sighed and shakes your wrists off "that was painful" you muttered. Schlatt looked at you and placed a hand to his head "Y/N, what's with you today?" He asked "I don't know, maybe it had something to do with the fact I am basically being threatened every minute?" You suggested.

Schlatt nodded and looked around, trying to avoid eye contact "I see" he said, his voice trailing off then coming back "so I wanted to speak to you about us, Y/N" he carried on "I think we should stay as a thing." You looked at him with disbelief "after you put this fucking shock thingy on me? Yeah, no, I don't think so" you replied hastily. Schlatt sighed and brushed off what you had said "we are a thing" he said. The fire to the side of the desk crackled and brightened as the two of you argued about this until the remote was taken out "I don't wanna use this Y/N, but if I have to I will" he said. The fire grew as Schlatt finished his sentence, it was like the fire resembled him in some way.

You looked at him, and lowering your voice, you calmly said "I am sorry" Schlatt looked at you and gave a sincere smile "I'm sorry it has to be this way, Y/N" he said. The two of you spoke longer about the situation you were in and the fact of war being upon Manberg brought a sly smile to your face. If you could get the remote before tomorrow morning and sneak away to Pogtopia then you could be free. But leaving Schlatt has side affects.

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