Chapter 10: Lipstick on his collar

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You woke up the next day lying in bed staring at the ceiling. You looked to your left and saw Schlatt was there, lying on the floor, you looked to your right and saw the sunrise seeping through the curtains.

You got up and walked over to the balcony opening the doors. The morning breeze made the curtains sway and the glow from the sunrise made it all the more stunning. The clouds were fluffy and looked like cotton candy.

The trees swayed in the breeze, they made little noise when they did.

You looked back at Schlatt and saw he was awake "hey Schlatt" you said as you walked to him "hey doll, do you remember why we were here?" He asked looking around.

You could tell he was pretending to be confused but you honestly couldn't remember what happened "to be honest no" you replied looking at the roof, noticing that there was a slight difference with the pattern on it.

"Hey who's room are we in?" You asked looking around "my room" he said picking you up and throwing you on the bed. He sat down next to you "but do you remember anything Schlatt?" You asked him.

He looked at you and sighed "Doll, if you're curious, we were gonna do something but then you fell asleep and I fell asleep after you" you sat up "oh- wait but that doesn't explain why don't I remember" You leaned on him "we were drunk as hell" he replied standing up "Y/N do not tell anyone that this happened"

You looked at him confused. Was he stupid or something? He knew that you had 'confessed your love to him' and that everyone saw that.

"Schlatt- everyone knows already so why hide it?" You asked standing up with him "it's just- you're just so you!" He was making shit up. Was he embarrassed that you liked him?

You picked up his waistcoat and handed it to him, he snatched it out of your hands "Listen, doll, I like you but this isn't permanent-" he responded "so you were just going to hook up with me?" You yelled cutting him off. He was obviously agitated by that accusation.

He groaned and placed his head in his hands "you make it sound worse than it is doll face!" He shouted. It sent a shiver down you spine whenever he shouted "then how should I word it?" You responded sharp as ever "I- we- UGH!" He huffed as he grabbed the rest of his things. He stormed into the bathroom, you assumed to get ready without you bothering him.

You found something a watch. It wasn't out of the ordinary he was a 'rich' guy but it was strange. It was golden and the centre was bright blue 'odd colour choice' you thought picking it up and inspecting it.

You heard a door open and quickly shoved the watch into your pocket "I'm sorry about losing my temper a little bit just then" he said "you always apologise to me, you know I know you don't mean it" you said walking closer to him "Y/N, you're such a strange girl" he said smiling "you're still in your outfit from yesterday" he continued "do you want me to change out of it?" You asked "no, no- you still look great" he said getting a good look at you.

You looked up at the tall ram man and smiled giving him a kiss, you didn't mind keeping this charade going for a while. You let go of him and he just looked down at you "how are you so small?" He asked smirking "I'm not too small- I'm average height!" You replied quickly.

The both of you soon began heading to work. Well you didn't really work, you more hung out with Schlatt which is what he said your job was. . . I think.

You eventually broke the silence that was in the room for a bit "so what are your plans for those weirdos in the woods?" You asked tracing the collar of his shirt with your finger "my plan is to- uhm... fuck wait I came up with one yesterday" he said with a small laugh you laughed at him and smiled "well I think we should forget them and just stay here" you said.

Your plan was to find out any information on what he was going to do next but if you gained his trust more then maybe- just maybe he will tell it in more detail.

He looked at you confused "why did you ask the question then?" He looked out the balcony doors for a few minutes then back at you "to know if you were doing anything today" you responded.

You looked at him and he looked like he was gonna say something about how this was kinda strange to be getting asked at nearly 7:00 AM so you pulled him into a kiss.


Sorry my writing is all over the place it is currently very late for me so my brain is bouncing off the walls. 

Also sorry I haven't been writing recently I've been going out with my family a bit more so yeah. :|

Stay safe <3

.•* Word Count *•.

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