.•*My Old Ending*•. pt 4

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You woke up in a small cave and looked at your surroundings. A few leaves, sticks, your bag, the rose Schlatt had given you and your sword. A sigh left your lips as you got up and headed out of the cave. The sunlight hit your face making you flinch, it touched your skin and you were engulfed by warmth. You walked over to Wilbur, who was making food over a dull campfire "good morning Wilbur!" You shouted. Wilbur jumped and spun around "Y/N!" He exclaimed "don't do that!" He playfully pushed you away and offer you some food afterwards. The two of you sat on the cold rocks of the ravine and spoke about your situation "Schlatt's not gonna be happy" you said, taking a bite out of your breakfast. Wilbur sighed "he's going to be mad but you'll see him again today, just in battle. . .against each other" he paced his words, trying to choose ones that wouldn't upset you.

The rest of the group gathered and you all spent time planning. You thought mainly about Schlatt, you felt awful for leaving him right as a stressful situation was happening.

~ War Time ~

You walked beside Wilbur and stood across from the side you were with yesterday. You looked at everyone there but your eyes stopped at Schlatt. He was staring right back at you but he looked sad, depressed even. You shook him off and concentrated on what was more important. Wilbur nudged you and you shot an arrow, landing it in someone's leg. Everyone raced forward, archers staying behind, warriors running forward. You placed the bow on your back and ran straight in with your sword in hand. The first person you ran in was Schlatt "Y/N" he mumbled. Your swords clashed together as you shouted at each other "You left me when I needed you the most!" Schlatt yelled, taking out his axe and waving it around.

He eventually caught your arm with the blade and started swinging it closer to you. Stumbling over your feet, you ran away from him and towards Niki. Her face went pale when she saw you. She stabbed the person she was fighting and won automatically "Y/N!" She exclaimed, she poured a regeneration potion onto the wound and held your arm still. The potion spilled in and out the cut, mixing with the rich blood that fell out of it.

After a while of fighting you noticed something. . .Schlatt had gone. Disappeared. You walked with a crowd of people and as they stopped in an old wooden van you made your way to the front. Schlatt was lay there, drunk and high. You groaned "he can't ever do anything right!" A few people laughed at him and you just held your emotions back.

Schlatt got up and looked around until he spotted you next to Quackity and Fundy, he mainly noticed you and Quackity. Schlatt picked up his axe and lazily swung it around, aiming for Quackity "I knew the two of you were having an affair" he hiccuped. You rolled your eyes and walked closer to Schlatt. You took the axe out his hands and smiled "shut the fuck up, for once" you said calmly, and carefully placing the axe at his feet. Schlatt chuckled a little and hugged you "I missed you~" he said, grinning widely, like the way you had seen him before all this dumb shit.

You hugged him back and smiled once you let go of his waist "I barely missed you" you muttered. Schlatt looked down at you and started to cry "Y/N, I love you" he said. You sighed and looked away from the mess of a President "I love you too." The smell of alcohol oozed off him and you could probably smell it from a mile away. As you looked around at everyone watching you saw everyone holding weapons. Suddenly Schlatt began hyperventilating and eventually collapsed. You sat down next to him and held him close "It's all fine" you whispered to him. You never knew what to do in this kind of situation so maybe comforting him would help.

Sadly he didn't make it and you were luckily by his side in his last moments.

You followed the crowd of people to the centre of L'manberg and looked around. Wilbur walked off and you wanted to talk to him "Wilbur?" You said as you stood in a long tunnel. He spun around and looked at you, his face full of dread and fear "Y- Y/N! Why are you here?" He asked, looking around "Who's Y/N, Wilbur?" Another voice asked. An older man peered out the room and looked at you "I would rather be meeting you in a different situation but hello!" He chimed. You waved at him and gave a small smile.

The two men began to argue but you couldn't go in time. It all went white and you woke up in . . .

. . . Schlatt's Cabin?

You looked around and saw him sat on his couch, crying his eyes out. Rushing over and grabbing him, a smile grew on your face "Schlatt!" You laughed. His crying stopped and he hugged you "Y/N, I love you" he said "I love you too, sweetheart" you replied.

For the first time in a while you felt safe to call a place home.


I'm gonna miss you guys!
It was so much fun writing this fanfic but I am gonna miss seeing your comments.

Tell me what you think of the ending and I'll (hopefully) see you in my other book!

Love you all! <3

.•* Final Word Count *•.

Posted Saturday 23 October 3:01 am.

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