Chapter 5: Ruins

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You woke up and went to get your clothes that had been washing, you opened the dryer and tossed them in. "Right my house" you said to yourself sighing. You still couldn't believe Niki did that, all for taking a job? You probably would have been killed if you hadn't.

While you waited for your clothes to dry you went to get your bag. Luckily you still had bread and apples in your bag, you ate some of the food in your bag and put the rest away chucking the bag on your new bed.

Soon after you heard the dryer stop and you could finally get out of your pajamas. You were never a fan of staying in your pajamas for too long, it reminded you of a bad time in your life something you wished was just a bad dream.

You got changed and stood on the balcony after looking out at the sky, it was early in the morning and not many people were awake. You noticed how the clouds would move over, not that you were dumb and just noticed it for the first time in a while. You were just tired and weren't thinking straight.

As you looked out you heard a knock at the door, you skipped over to the door and unlocked it. As you opened the door you saw Quackity there " Schlatt wants to speak to you" he said the words coming through his teeth, staring straight down at the bottom of the doorframe " okay? Should I go now?" You asked looking at him " Yes he's in his office on the bottom floor" he said turning away.

You made your way down to his office and saw Fundy walking out of the office looking scared or shocked? One of the two you decided on. As you walked in George was standing next to him, he poked Schlatt's shoulder and Schlatt looked at him then you " hey doll, how was your night?" He asked whilst writing something down "I slept okay? I was upset due to my-" he cut you off " your house burning down, yeah yeah I've heard"

You stood there, speechless, you were astounded by him. You shouldn't have been surprised by him but you were " you know what I'm going to go for a walk" you said heading out of the room. You reached of the door knob when you heard a glass hit the table making you jump " Hold up doll" you heard him say " you need to wear a uniform if you're working here" George then placed a neatly folded outfit on the corner of the desk closest to you.

He smirked at you "what so George doesn't have to wear a uniform but I do?" You said slightly agitated, George spoke up "Y/N, I actually am in uniform" he looked at you then at the clothes "yeah but I mean like" you picked up a short skirt and shirt that didn't look appropriate for work.

You put the outfit down on the desk with a slam, "it isn't even appropriate to walk down the prime path in never mind work!" You shouted. Schlatt stood up and shoved the outfit into your hands " the uniform or your life, Princess, choose wisely" he threatened you, he actually threatened you.

You walked back to your room and decided to put on the uniform, it would be stupid to die over an outfit.

You went back to the office and looked at Schlatt who looked happy to see you in the uniform "I'm gonna go for a walk now " you said walking out " have fun~" you heard Schlatt say. His voice made you feel queasy especially when he said that. You walked to the ruins of your old home and searched for something, anything that could have survived that flame.

As you searched under the debris to see if anything was left. Nothing but a few leather back books and what remained of your sink and sofa. You kept looking and saw something shimmer out the corner of your eye, it was a pin for a note that had been stuck on the remains of your house.

You know who it is by now. Sorry about your house but we need to talk.
~ T and W

Haha! Cliffhanger slightly. Sorry this isn't the greatest I had to... discuss what would happen with my co workers.

Including the uniform. . .

Mainly the uniform. . .

Anyway use to your imagination for the outfits I speak about
Stay safe! <3

.•* Word count *•.

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