Chapter 24: Dawn

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"Y/N?" The same voice called "I'm sorry" they said. You sighed as you got up and headed towards the door. You fidgeted with the lock but eventually got it open "what do you want?" You asked, clutching onto the door in case things went south. You picked up a bottle of whiskey you had on a shelf and chugged it, keeping the empty bottle in your other hand as a weapon "I want to see your face" he moaned. You laughed at his sentence "you saw it yesterday" Schlatt looked at you with eyes full of tears "now bugger off" you said slamming the door. You slammed it a few times then realised his foot was in between the door "Y/N as your president I demand you to open the door" he said, his voice echoing down the corridor. You picked up one more bottle, downed it and then dropped both bottles.

You sighed and opened the door "there, Mr President, you happy?" You asked sarcastically. He nodded and walked passed you "why do you keep these?" He asked, picking up small trinkets you had lying around. You threw the two bottles in the bin and looked at Schlatt "it's from my old house, now what's up?" You asked "why did you want in?" Schlatt smiled and stepped closer "I said I wanted to see you" he said, opening his arms. You stepped back and turned to face away "I stand by what I said last night" Schlatt sighed and hugged you "I'm sorry for what I did" he said, holding you close "I didn't mean anything" he continued "please, Y/N, can you forgive me?"

You looked at him and just stared "you really think Im gonna forgive you, after everything that you did yesterday?" You yelled, pushing him away "go fuck yourself, sweetheart" you said as he fell into your dresser. He groaned and began to laugh "Y/N, please, stop this and just come back baby" he walked back over and grabbed your waist with one hand and the back of your head with the other, tilting your head to look up towards him "please just stay with me" he said. He was never good with his emotions, unless it was anger.

You sighed "I'm not happy with you but I'm not breaking up with you" you said, as he let go of your head "thank god" he responded, a huge smile forming on his face. You laughed at his goofy face and looked at the floor "I'm still mad at you though" you said "you see this?" You said, pointing at a part of your head that had a small chunk of hair gone "you did this yesterday" Schlatt gasped "I remember that and it was kinda cool to be honest but it wasn't a good thing for me to do" he said, loosening his grip "also see when we got drunk, the night after the festival?" He said "I've been thinking about what to call it and I'd be glad to think of you as my girlfriend" he continued.

Schlatt chuckled "I wasn't comfortable with it then but I am now" you smiled in response "I'd be glad to call you one of my boyfriends" you joked as you booped his nose. He laughed "very funny, but I think I'm here to stay" he said smiling. He held onto your waist and kissed you. The two of you sunk into the kiss and ended up against the wall "we always end up against the wall" he said pinning you to the wall. You smiled and placed your hands in his "this time I won't have wrist pain" you said with a small laugh. Schlatt laughed with you before leaning back in for a kiss.

The two of you stayed in this blissful state until Quackity knocked at the door "Y/N, is Schlatt with you? I can't find him in his office" he said opening the door. He stopped as the two of you let go of each other "I see that you two are busy" Quackity said "I just wanted to say sorry, Schlatt, I wasn't acting appropriately" he apologised. You looked at the shut door and then at Schlatt who was still staring dead at the door "you okay?" You asked. Schlatt shivered "yeah, Im fine" he said before letting go of your hands and moving his down to your waist.

You smiled as he moved his hands up your shirt "keep your hands away from there" you said, jokingly smacking his hands down "VIPs only" Schlatt laughed "Im fairly sure I own this" he said tilting your head once more and leaning down. The door slammed open and George and Quackity popped in and threw condoms at the two of you "PROTECT THEM!" They chanted as they chucked piles upon piles at the two of you "oh my lord" you muttered as they walked out the room.

Schlatt chuckled as the wind from the window twirled around you hair, making it spin "wanna put some of these to use?" Schlatt asked, smirking. You were sure that if he smirked more then his mouth would fall off "one step at a time" you said.

"One step at a time."


Not me contemplating writing smut. . .
Should I?

.•* Word Count *•.

Posted 11:53 pm Thursday 30 September 2021

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