JK 1

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Irene's irritating me with her frequent complaints. Our relationship has been at least 4 years old and we're now engaged, but I confess, lately she has been driving me mad with ease.

She's very jealous, VERY. So whenever I need to hire someone who will work directly with me, she participates in interviews.

The problem with being CEO of Chanel is that you spend most of your time dealing with beautiful people. Not that I'm interested in anyone, but people are really beautiful and attractive.

Rosé/Chaeyoung, my best friend and creative director is helping us, we're looking for someone to marketing and Rosé has to like whoever is chosen, although so far, no one is up to the job.

"Will this take a long time? I'm bored and hungry." Irene complains beside me and grabs my arm. I take a deep breath trying to calm down.

"You can go, I'm not leaving here until I finish these interviews. I told you you didn't need to come." I notice that Rosé is holding back her laughter. They get along well, but Rosie isn't her biggest fan "How many left, Rosé? And who's next?" I sigh and drink a sip of water.

"3 candidates to go. The next one is called Kim Jisoo, she's been through several big boards, from the musical, artistic to fashion." she starts to laugh "In the resume says that your special ability is to eat chicken."

"What?" I arch an eyebrow and take the resume, I start to laugh when I see it's true. "All right, send her in."

I'm laughing softly until the girl walks in making me keep my chin on the floor. She's definitely not who I expected her to be. White, milky skin, brown hair, slightly wavy, red heart-shaped mouth is what catches my attention the most, but when she takes off her sunglasses, I'm mesmerized by those dark brown eyes so intense and bright. She could very well be a model instead of being here to apply for marketing. Her beauty is breathtaking, as if she had been painted by the gods themselves, and I could spend the day just admiring her that I wouldn't be bored by the sight.

"Hi, Miss Kim." I smile and force a cough when I feel Irene's grip on my arm. She is closer to me now than before. "You're here for the position in the marketing board, right?" I look at her resume and see that in addition to chicken, she said she knows how to balance water bottles on her head and shoulder. I hold back a laugh and force another cough as I wait for her answer.

"Are you okay? Maybe you should drink water so it doesn't irritate your throat so much" she shrugs "Yes, it's for this job, why?"

"Are you sure you are dressed appropriately for an interview?" Irene says. Rosé and I look at her in surprise. I look back at Kim Jisoo who's wearing a pale denim jacket, black cropped underneath, and white shorts and white sneakers.

"Isn't the objective of the interview to know if the candidate is suitable for the position?" She says and nods "So how will my clothes tell you if I'm capable or not? This label-addicted society" she rolls her eyes and Rosé lets out a low chuckle. I hear Irene snort beside me.

"Did you put on your resume that your special skills are eating chicken and balancing water bottles on your head and shoulder? Usually, people put in things like being good at photography, other languages, things like that."

"You're right, miss?" She arches an eyebrow at me.

"Jennie Kim."

"One more for the family" she laughs and shakes her head "When it says special ability, in my point of view, it means something you do and few people can do it either. All of the things you mentioned that others do are learnable skills, so I don't think they're really special since anyone who gets into them can learn." I look at Rosé not knowing what to say after this explanation because she's really right.

"I saw that you worked in many big companies, why did you leave?" Rosé says seriously.

"I was bored or had some minor disagreements" she sighs "There are people who are difficult to deal with and take out their irritation on coworkers."

"Do you have problems with that?" I arch an eyebrow at her.

"Yeah? Anyone in their right mind would. Why should I accept someone changing their tone of voice or being rude to me just because they are angry or stressed about something? Each person is fighting in their own hell and I don't think it's right to take it out on those who aren't connected to it." she says seriously. She's definitely not from this world.

"When you're bored, you just resign and that's it? Any time?"

"No, when I start to get bored, I try to innovate and reinvent the strategy to make the company grow, but many are still closed-minded and don't accept change, so I leave. I don't stick to places that limit me and don't allow me to do a good job, what's the point of hiring me so I have to do what they want?"

"Last question, why should we hire you?"

"Why am I available and are you in need of someone to fill the position?" she says as if it were obvious and rolls her eyes "But I know what you want me to answer, I'm very responsible and focused on my work, I do even the impossible to make everything work out and the company grow, I hate self-indulgence and , even if my ideas are different, they bring great returns."

"All right, Miss Kim Jisoo, thank you for your time and we will get in touch if you're selected." I stand up and shake her hand. Her skin is so soft and warm, I feel a shock at our touch. Did she feel it too? She smiles at us before leaving.

"She's definitely out of the running." Irene gets up as soon as the girl closes the door.


"Did you see how she answered me, Nini? The audacity?"

"I think she's more than qualified for the job. She thinks beyond and that's what we need." Rosé says. "Even more for the sector that she goes, we need people like that."

I ignore the two arguing behind me. Looks like we've found our new marketing director. In addition to her being competent and different, there is a strange curiosity in my mind to find out more about her.


At lunchtime, Irene chooses an Italian restaurant and we end up meeting Taehyung, who has already worked with Jisoo. I remember seeing on her resume that she worked for a few months at his company. Maybe he has references.

"How long have I seen the most beloved couple on the internet." he laughs as we sit down.

"I want a professional reference." I say after we place the orders and he nods "Do you know Kim Jisoo?" I feel Irene's gaze boring into me.

"It's not like anyone could really forget about her, right?" He laughs and it makes me arch my eyebrow "In the professional matter, she's great. The biggest growth numbers of our artists were when she was in the company. Nobody knew how, but she had some crazy ideas that really made the numbers and investments grow."

"She's pretty exotic, I'd say. Why did she leave?"

"One of the CEO's thought she was overspending, even though the return was 5 times higher, and started cutting some of her ideas, so she just quit and didn't come back." he sighs "It was a big loss for the company, she was good at cheering us up with her idiocies. We even tried to bring her back after a while, but she said she doesn't make the same mistake twice."

"She's audacious." Irene says.

"Yes, she's stubborn and difficult because she's not afraid of anything or anyone. She defends her ideas tooth and nail, but if you point out a real mistake, she has the humility to bow her head and accept" I keep thinking about his words, but soon our orders arrive and I push the thoughts away when I feel my stomach complain.

Messing Up - JENSOO - english versionWhere stories live. Discover now