JK 16

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"SORRY! I'M SO SORRY!" I scream as I bump into people. I'm running like my life depends on it and maybe it does. Lisa called me, Jisoo woke up. Three weeks later.

"You're lying to me." I see her pouting as I stop at her bedroom door, trying to catch my breath.

"You'll never know." Lisa gives a mischievous look and then Jisoo looks at me. A strangely good feeling runs through my body when our eyes meet. "Hey, Jen! Come in!" As I approach them, I see Jisoo watching me with a curious look.

"Jisoo" I swallow hard and she looks surprised "How are you?"

"I'm Jisoo, I'm okay." She smiles "Hey, lady. You're strangely familiar." Jisoo says and pouts. I frown.

"JiChu, this is Jennie Kim. She's..."

"Chanel CEO, right?" Jisoo smiles, clearly excited "She's the fiancée of Bae Irene, the girl Seulgi got involved with a few years ago, remember? I told you this, Limario." Jisoo laughs and now it looks like I took a hit my head. "Hey, I want a job in your marketing department."

"Oh! It was there then." Lisa says surprised and the doctor enters the room.

"Hey, my funniest patient. How are you feeling today?" Dr. Soojin says.

"Hey, doc!" Jisoo smiles "I'm fine, but when I try to remember something, I feel some twinges and the more I try, it get stronger." She yawns and lets out a sigh.

"I see, Jisoo." the doctor observes her with curiosity. "Try to get some sleep, this will help your brain. The more rest the better."

"My dreams were fulfilled, Limario." Jisoo laughs "I can lie in bed for a whole week, without moving."

"Just rest while I talk to your friends." Lisa gets up and we walk down the hall. The doctor looks at Jisoo one more time before closing the door.

"We finded out how far she remembers." Lisa says with a sad tone "Almost a year of lost memories. Jisoo remembers a few days before she met Jennie."

"And are you a..?" Soojin looks at me curiously.

"Ex, I think."

"Was your breakup bad?"

"Not necessarily. We didn't get to fight, but it was strong emotions." I feel a tear escape.

"Can she retrieve her memory?"

"I'll let her rest and get used to her new or old reality." Soojin says while watching Jisoo through the glass window "Having contact with people she met in this "lost" time can help, maybe there is some trigger that brings the memories back, but tomorrow she'll do a lot of tests to try to discover the what happened." a beep starts to play. "I have to go, call me in case something happens."

"Maybe it's a second chance for you guys." Lisa stares at me "Are you going to tell her what happened?"

"No. I'll tell her we were friends. If it's really a second chance, I won't waste it."


Every time I feel my stomach turn when I come to visit Jisoo. I don't know if it's afraid she'll remember everything that happened and we'll fight again.

The good part is the curious, excited look she gives me whenever I walk through the door. My heart always races when we're facing each other.

Today was such a tiring day, I'd like to go to home, but if I don't see Jisoo, I won't be able to sleep, even though it's a little late and there's a risk that she'll already be asleep when I walk through the door.

"Bad day?" She says as soon as I enter.

"A little, that's all." I smile softly and sit in the chair beside the bed.

"You should go home and rest." She watches me with a worried look. I bite my tongue not to say that being at home is being wherever Jisoo's.

"I'm fine, don't worry. I just wanted to check you before the day was over."

"I still think it's funny that we're friends, it seems surreal." She shrugs.

"Why?" I smile as I watch her. My stomach makes a weird noise and Jisoo laughs.

"Because you're the ice princess." it reminds me of when she said she was in love and I hold my breath so I don't cry. Jisoo gets up and goes to the fridge, taking a small bowl and spoon, handing it to me.

"What is it?" I widen my eyes when I see it's milk ice cream. Did she remember?

"Don't you like? Sorry, that's all I have now." she says in a shy tone "I was going to eat it, but I had the feeling that I shouldn't." I feel my tears falling. "Sorry, really, it's just..." She stops talking when I get up and hug her tightly.

"I'm sensitive the last few days. You don't need to say sorry." Before she was tense, but seems to relax listening to me. I tuck my face into her neck and take a deep breath. Even for so many days in the hospital, she still smells so good.

"Huh, it's okay, Jen. I understand, but eat before it melts and you get hungrier, it's not healthy to go so many hours without eating." She says while patting my back and I pull away a little.

"Thanks" I feel my cheeks blush. Even without memory, this damn thing causes me these sensations.

When I pick up the ice cream and our fingers touch, I feel that shock that spreads through my body, making me shiver. I look back at her and I can't look away.

At least I can still read your eyes like I used to. There's affection, concern and doubt in her eyes. Too much doubt. Her gaze drops to my mouth and her lips are parted, as inviting as ever.

"Sorry." she clears her throat when my stupid stomach decides to complain again. Her cheeks are slightly flushed. Is this a good sign?

I'm struggling to open the bowl and she takes it out of my hand, opening it for me and handing it back to me. She shakes her head in denial, clearly teasing me and I roll my eyes.

Why does this ice cream look like the best in the world? I close my eyes and let out a sigh as I put the second spoon in my mouth. I see Jisoo lie down and look at my watch. It's after 11pm.

"I need to go now." I try to hold back the yawn, but I can't.

"Jen" I look at Jisoo and she has her arms open and has made space beside her on the bed "Come on, lie down here for a second."

"But..." I say with the spoon still in my mouth.

"Stop. You're coming to see me every day, and you're under no obligation to do so." she pats the empty space beside her "Let me return the favor and take care of you a little. You're clearly exhausted and I feel a little guilty about it." she says in a firm tone and I know it's no use arguing with her.

"Okay..." I approach the empty space and sit down slowly while I finish eating the ice cream. Jisoo makes me gasp when I feel her wrap her arms around my waist, pulling me back and making me lean against her.

"You're shy, but don't worry. I don't bite." She laughs softly and I feel the warm air hit my shoulder.

"That's not what I remember." I say remembering the sensations of Jisoo's mouth through my body and shudder, closing my eyes.

"What did you say?" your voice sounds louder.

"Nothing. I just said it's warm in here." I bite my lip and Jisoo hugs me tight. I lean my head against her chest and can hear her heart racing as much as mine.

"I'll ask Limario to buy some sandwiches and leave them here, in case you feel hungry when you come to see me." She says softly and little by little I feel my body relax. 

"You don't have to..." I trail off as she squeezes my waist.

"Stop being stubborn because I'll be double with you. I said I would take care of you, so stop it!" she snorts irritated "Now relax and take a nap, I'll wake you up in 30 minutes. Your mind is clearly in need of a small charge of energy, then you can go home safely. Sleepy driving is dangerous."

"It's okay, Chu." I place my hands on her arms, which are under my stomach, and close my eyes.

Messing Up - JENSOO - english versionWhere stories live. Discover now