JK 7

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Why am I always smiling after seeing Jisoo? And why do I yearn to see her? I don't know myself anymore. Maybe it's a friendship, that's it. Just a strong, true friendship, that's why I'm confusing it.

The fact that I broke up with Irene made me more sensitive and needy than usual, Jisoo's a beautiful woman so getting her attention is confusing me, that's all.

Speaking of Irene, strangely, I don't hold any hurt or grudges against her. I think Jisoo was right, it was just ego hurt, but for some reason, Irene insisted on having dinner together tonight. I end up leaving the company almost at dinnertime and, luckily, I arrive on time. Irene hates delays. She looks beautiful, as always, wearing a flowered dress that makes her look so angelic.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" I say after we place the orders.

"You've been kinder." She sighs.

"Irene, I've already forgiven you, but please don't create false hopes about us."

"I've already accepted that, I think." she looks thoughtful "I don't know, I think I wanted to see you, I miss talking to you, having you in my life, Jen, we were great friends before."

"I know, I miss you too, how much fun we had." dinner goes smoothly well and we're almost finished with the main course when I hear a familiar chuckle and turn to look. Jisoo and Seulgi. Jisoo's wearing only a sweater and ripped jeans, while Seulgi's wearing only shorts and a plaid shirt. I notice Irene's cold gaze.

"Do you like her?" I let out a low laugh when I saw her reaction.

"No." She looks at me after a while.

"Are you saying that to me or to you? I can see in your eyes that you like her, Baechu." I shake my head and frown when I see Jisoo sit down next to Seulgi.

"Maybe I have some feelings for her." Irene sighs "But Seulgi's not the type to fall in love."

"Anyone would fall in love with you." I roll my eyes. "Maybe should you just insist a little?"

"What about Kim Jisoo?" she stares at me.

"Huh?" I take a sip of wine.

"Don't pretend, Jen, I know you want her." I turn around and see Seulgi putting some strands of hair behind Jisoo's ear. "I knew the moment you laid eyes on her in the interview. That look of admiration."

"We're just friends." I take a deep breath and force a smile.

"Come with me" she takes my hand, pulling me to the other table "Let's get these women." she forces a cough stopping in front of the couple.

"I didn't know you two got back together." Seulgi says and Jisoo looks surprised.

"We didn't." I say as I face Jisoo. "What are you doing here?"

"We're having a date." Seulgi takes Jisoo's hand and intertwines her fingers.

"WHAT?!" Irene and I talk together.

"I told you I knew her well." Jisoo smiles at Irene.

"Are you jealous, Joohyun?" Seulgi smiles.

"Of course not." Irene crosses her arms angrily. Everything happens so fast: Seulgi grabs Jisoo's chin and kisses her. Jisoo is surprised, eyes open, I push Irene aside and pull Jisoo back.

"Irene, pay the bill. We're leaving." I leave dragging Jisoo through the restaurant, attracting looks and whispers.

Why did I act like this? Not even with Irene I was never jealous or possessive. But the anger I felt when I saw that scene, just remembering it makes me angry again. The silence in the car is heavy, and I peek quickly and see that Jisoo is looking out the window, expression blank as usual.

I drive for a few minutes until I realize I'm at the door to Jisoo's building. I lean my forehead against the steering wheel and sigh. Since when am I this crazy?

"Since you gave me a ride, which I didn't ask, could you unlock the car door so I can go up and order something to eat? I'm hungry." Jisoo's voice catches my attention. She doesn't look angry or anything.

"Pardon." unlock the doors.

"Can I at least know why you did what you did? Was this a theater to bring Irene to Seulgi again?" She arches an eyebrow.

"I don't know."

"Huh?" she's clearly confused.

"I don't know, I just gave in to my impulses and..." I'm cut off mid-sentence when she puts her hand on the back of my neck and kisses me. Lips so soft and warm, sweet and strangely familiar, fitting mine. When I feel her tongue enter my mouth, it's like my whole body melts with so many exciting sensations spreading out. I let out a moan as the tip of her tongue slides across the roof of my mouth and bite her bottom lip before she pulls away. "What was this?" I'm still dizzy from the kiss.

"A thank you for the ride and how you were talking about giving in to impulses." She smiles and shrugs.

"Oh, right." I just nod my head while my mind is still blank as those dark eyes stare at me with amusement.

"Good night!" She turns to get out of the car and I grab her wrist. Jisoo looks at me curiously.

"You didn't kiss me good night." I smile and she laughs, approaching me. I close my eyes, anxiety already churning in my stomach, and I feel a wet kiss on my cheek. I arch an eyebrow in frustration and see her laughing before getting out of the car.

Messing Up - JENSOO - english versionWhere stories live. Discover now