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"Yes Louis I'm going to be gone for a month" I said for about the tenth time. 

It's been five years. It seems like longer. I call him and talk to him as much as I can but its been hard the past few weeks with finals and graduation. But thankfully the school year was over, I was officially graduated, and today was the day before I left for my "vacation".

"And there is no Internet or wifi?" He practically screamed in my ear.

"Louis! My eardrums!" I scalded.

"Sorry." he said calming down.

"No. there is no wifi and Internet." I said sadly.

"Well you better call me as soon as you wake up tomorrow." He sternly said.

I smiled. "Of course! I am going to miss you"  

"Louis! You need to go pick up Lottie from her friends!" Louis mom yelled.

"Gotta go. Call me tomorrow or I'll call you." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay bye!" I said and hung up. I couldn't wait to leave Wales and go back to Doncaster. I will live three doors down from Louis. I want to surprise him so I told him I was going to this remote island. He is going to be so happy I cannot wait to see his face.

I worry that my surprise will be awkward because I haven't seen him in five years, but I have a feeling it won't. Thousands of things are going through my head and I try to ignore them by making sure that my all my stuff is packed. For a 18 year old I have the average amount of clothes and stuff. It was an eight hour drive my parents didn't want to take again so they hired people to bring the furniture back to Doncaster. I am staying with my parents until we get to Doncaster, then I'll be moving to London to go to University.

I finished my packing around 10:00 p.m so I decided to go to bed so I can get an early start in the morning since Louis was bound to call me too early. I would beat him to calling and call him before he called me.

I woke up at 8:07 a.m and grabbed my phone off the bed and sat up already dialing Louis number. It was five rings before i got the answering machine.

"Hi! Sorry I'm not here right now. please leave a message and I'll call you later, bye!" I didn't bother to leave a voicemail because he never calls anyone back. So I decided I'll call him when I'm on my way to the airport.

I got out of bed and changed into the only outfit I left out yesterday and I put my pajamas in my suitcase and got ready. I went into my bathroom and opened my makeup bag on the empty counter, got ready, and walked out. All's that was left in my room was my bed and my two suitcases stuffed with clothes and a carry-on bag with my laptop camera and phone with chargers in it.

I cannot wait to see Louis repeated over and over again it was the only thing on my mind at the moment.

"Aerie c'mon! You need to get all of your stuff out, so the movers can take the furniture!" my mom shouted from the bottom of the stairs. I grabbed my bags and entered the hall where the movers were standing. I waved and they went inside my room to take apart the bed frame. I walked down the stairs and our the door.

I can't wait to see Louis.

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