Do you remember summer 09?

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A/N: here we go. Read the authors note at the end please! Thanks!


Mystery POV

I walk in to the graduation party and all my friends notice me and run up to me giving me compliments. We hang out for the next hour doing some drinking and dancing.

Until she came.

I always lose my friends to her, simply because she was prettier and she had more money.

So now I am standing alone. Waiting for her to come sit down with my friends.

“To be honest I didn’t really want to come to this party.” She groaned as she walked up to the couches. “I was supposed to Skype my best friend today, but I figured this is our last party together.”  

There was a chorus of ‘ohs’ and ‘aws’ but I didn’t feel sorry for little miss princess.

“Oh Hey there! Its great to see you!” she said cheerily.

Oh I forgot to mention, she doesn’t know any of this.

After a few hours of taking he and I were left alone.

“do you know what  it’s like to miss someone so much?” She asked half drunk.

“Yeah I do.” I mumbled, tonight was my night to get revenge somehow. I need to think of a plan.

“it hurts a lot because I have grown up with them all my life, and now I have been away from them for too long. Even though we talk lots it’s not the same. I want to get rid of the pain” She says looking on the verge of tears.

No sympathy what so ever.

I see everyone going to the back door and when it opens, there is a thick smell of marijuana that fills the room of the house.

We both get up to go outside, the smell being too much. Even though it’s being smoked outside we go into the back of the fairly large back yard where the air is clean.

Then it hits me.

that will get rid of the pain.” I said pointing to the group of people taking drags. After I grabbed her hand and dragged her over there.

“Heyyyyyy! C’mon join us!” one of the stoners said.

“I don’t know.” She says.

I tell my friend to get out her phone. I take it and start to record her.

‘C’mon!” we say and start chanting her name.

She sighs. ”Fine.” And with that she takes the roll up and takes a drag and starts coughing rapidity. We all cheer and she passes it to me, I pass it to the next and I goes around until I gets back to her. She takes another drag and passed it. I quickly end the video and I send it to my friends dad who told me if I ever needed help to let him know.

After about ten minutes the police arrived. Confiscating the roll ups and arresting her and a couple of other people.

My revenge to the one and only Aerianna Johnsonn, complete. And let me tell you, I am completely satisfied.


  I know its short.

Im sorry I havent updated. I really am. I have been so busy with school and stuff.This is the longest I havent updated for (15 days).

Now the really important message:

 I am going on a vacation next Saturday so I probably wont be able to update L

This is simply because the only wifi is in the lobby and when you go to a place that has white sandy beaches your not going to be indoors until like 9pm. I will write but I probably wont update during then. Ill try believe me. This week I will try to update when ever I can because I feel really bad.  I am also going to be an hour ahead in DR (where I am going) so I will be jet lagged. But on the bright side it is a long wekend when I get back. Im only gone for a week and you have lasted 15 days without me. Still really sorry for that.

Umm hope this cleared somethings up for you.

If you are confused inbox me I will explain it more. J

Have a good week!

                                                                -Hailey xx

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