Thank You

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Thank you very much to everyone who read this book, it being my first ever fanfic on wattpad and ever this means a lot. I never thought in a million years that it would ever get this big, even if it isnt as big as others, i think that this did amazing.

I know i didnt update as much as i was supposed to, and that i really didnt have an exact plot to this  really just want to thank you all for putting up with my shit. 

I really have no words, I am just so surprised I finished it and i cannot express my gratitude to everyone who had read this horrible, cringe worthy book (my best chapters were the last, sadly).

So here I am on November 14, 2014 11:22 p.m with Coming Back For You, Completed. *cries*

I'm going to make this like an acceptance speech so bear with me okay?

I would like to thank:

my family, who, *cringes* knows about this book, and for supporting me though all of my milestones with this.

Ashley, because without this book, wattpad and various other reasons that involve her yellling at me to "UPDATE"  there may not have been an epilougue up as fast as it was, and for being my best friend and helping and motivating me to write some of these chapters.

One Direction because without these five fabulous, incredibly sexy, uh i mean, cute, boys there would be no story because nobody could replace the Sass Master From Doncaster, and being the mushroom at the party (*cringes* so carrot I'm sorry) 

And lastly, every one of you because without your comments and votes and reads this book will never have been finsihed,

Story time:

I remember almost two years ago, December, 15 2012, when i first started writing, how in two days I got 16 reads, then the next morning I woke up with 64 and I flipped, fast forward to May 2013 when I went on my vacation and I hit 200 and i flipped the frick out because who wouldnt?! Fast forward some more to August 2013 where I hit 1K and completly lost my shit because 1K and fast forward to now, 14 months later i am at 24.7K and still completly loosing my shit, guys, wow, i have no words i am speechless, just, wow, i love you all

Story time over 

So for many reasons i could bore you with, and make this already large chapter/non-chapter, even longer, i want to thank you. I love you all from the bottom of my heart. To the moon and back. I love you all loads.

This is, infact,  not the last book I am writing, but will be, the last, fully written by me, book that features boy and girl action.

For now I am strictly a Larry account because that is what I like to write about. If you are open to new ideas and looking for a new OTP, or a Larry shipper like myself go and feel some feels, go check out my other stories, promising updates more often :)

however if you strictly want boy and girl action, and if you are looking for some new books go over to Ashley (@gleekyzayn) 's profile and you will find some boy and girl action featuring Louis and I (I am a character in the books :D)  and the other boys, that i have helped with by editing or pitching ideas (mianly editing). 

So for the very last time on this book that has brought me so much joy:

I love you all loads

-Hailey x

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