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A/N: seriously guysssssss! I am talking to myself because the last two chapters had zero, ZERO reads.I had faith. I am disappointed in you guys. Well actually there is no one. So I was disappointed at the people who were reading this, then stopped. I'm sad now. I will keep writing but I'm not making a sequel like I thought I was. Few more chapters then BOOM this will officially end. If you want me to continue you need to show me. I am 4 away from 100 reads. Please, please. Here we go.

-Hailey xx

Aerie's POV

I wasted a week of my life on Tumblr. Once again, today I was going through new posts until I came across this post:

'Louis isn't the same. He isn't his happy, joyful, young-hearted self in the interveiws. WTF did Eleanor do to him? Or did management make him sign another contract to date her? #Larry+Stylinson'

You did this. See you shouldn't have left. My subconscious tells me.

This person will hurt me if I don't. I tell myself.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of knocking at the door. I got up and walked to the door and opened it.

"Shit." I said trying to close the door. Their hand stopped the door.

"wait, you live, here?" he asked.

"Yes." I said

"May I come in?" he asked.

"sure." I said and opened the door wider. He walked past me and sat on the couch.

"How did you find me?" I asked sitting on the other seat of the couch.

"I was told there were new neighbors. So I came to greet you and here we are." He said.

"Oh Liam, why do you, of all people, have to be the neighborly person?" I sighed.

"Well I wouldn't have found you. Anyways, why did you leave?" he asked

"I-" I was cut off by my cellphone alerting me of a text. It was probably Louis, he hasn't stopped texting or calling me. So I left it.

"Aren't you going to get that?" He asked.

"Nah." He gave me a look. "OK fine." I said putting my hands up in defeat.getting up to walk over to the counter. I checked the messages not from Louis.

'Don't tell Liam. You want your secret to be kept; I would hope mine would be too. Tell him anything and I will tell all.


Wait. how did she know that Liam is here? how does she know where I am?

"Who is it from?" he asked.

"Uh, Louis." I said.

I sat back on the couch cross legged and put my phone in my lap.

"Is it just you living here or does anybody else?" I asked

"Nope just me. "

"Thank god." I let out a sigh of relief. He chuckled.

"Going back to the question, why did you leave?"

"As I was saying. I need a break from everything ya know? After what I told you hopefully you would." I continued.

"I understand. But why couldn't you be honest? It took us two days just to get Louis out of his room. He completely shut everyone out. Even El-" I cut him off.

"Don't even mention her. Just hearing her name makes me mad." I said.

"Well even her." Liam finished.

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