The Ugly Truth

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A/N: Heyyy guysssss did you hear?!! This Is Us is coming out in August!! It's the best thing ever! Ive already pre ordered my tickets!!!Anyways here's another chapter!!!

Louis POV

I sprinted after the car until my lungs could no longer take it. I was at the end of the long street. She was gone. Gone forever?

My best friend is gone now because of me.

I feel so much guilt inside me.

It's my fault.

She's gone and I don't know where.

How could I be so stupid?

"What the hell mate?" Zayn asked. When I arrived back to the driveway. At this point I fell in a heap onto the driveway. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

"She's gone." Was all I could get out.

Aeries POV

I pulled into the parking garage of my new apartment.

"Home sweet home." I said pulling the keys out of the car.

I popped the trunk and got my things out and locked the car. I walked into the tall modern looking building and straight to the sign beside the elevators.

"437, 437,43- ahh there it is." I sang. "10th floor"

I pushed the up button and almost immediately the doors open revealing a rather fancy elevator. I stepped in and pushed the number ten. As the elevator went up I could see my reflection in the black and white marble floors and though the mirror covered walls.

A bell dinged signaling we had stopped, in this case we were at the tenth floor and the doors opened revealing a large hallway. I walked down it.














Ahh 147. I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door.

I stepped through the doorway and shut the door. I locked it just in case and walked to my 'living room' and dropped everything, except my purse and laptop bag, which I placed beside me on the couch. I just stood there in the middle of the room surrounded by my belongings.

I couldn't stop thinking about Louis. It broke my heart to leave him,a lot. but it's for my own good. Just, every time I think about it I get more upset.,

He doesn't need me.

He has Eleanor.

She's perfect.

He loves her.

He doesn't love you.

He never will.

Your just his friend.

It will always be like that.

He gave her a promise ring.

The sad thing was, was that it was all true. The ugly truth.

I felt ashamed and embraced for falling for the wrong guy. She was perfect. She had everything a girl could ask for. I, I am just a girl with nothing special to her. Nothing.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed taking the lamp of of the table and smashing it on the floor.

I had tears running down my cheeks as I flopped down to the floor and cried. Something I hadn't done in a while. Yeah, I have has a few stray tears here, and there. But I couldn't hold it in any longer. I sat on the floor and sobbed.

I was nothing.

A/N: got you a short chapter that was crap but I needed something. Ill do a longer one tomorrow cause its SUNDAYY!!!!(in Canada).

Oh and BTW I usually use the British terms for things, but I didn't know if some of you would understand. But I think y'all are smart cookies! But just in case some of you didn't know.

Anyways hope you had a good week my little sunshines! See you tomorrow!

-Hailey xx

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