Goodbyes pt.2

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*just saying there will be swearing. Probably lots of it. Sorry*

(still in third person)

“what the hell is wrong with you?!” Zayn seethed as everyone else went to their rooms.

“What do you mean?” Liam asked completely confused.

“How could you do that to Louis?!” Zayn’s voice was getting angrier with each second that went by.

To be honest, Liam hadn’t thought about Louis and he felt guilty.

“I hadn’t thought about”

“Exactly, you didn’t think. You selfish bastard.” Zayn spat. “Not to even mention the fact that you hadn’t told any of us and decided to tell us by shoving your tongue down her fucking throat in front of all of us! Louis looked absolutely broken!” Zayn was infuriated. Liam hadn’t seen him this upset and he couldn’t say it didn’t terrify him to the core.

“I,I’m sorry.” Was all Liam could spit out.

“I’m the least of your worries.” Zayn spat before walking down the hall and slamming his door. Zayn sat on his bed, thinking about everything that had happened. He felt a small bit of guilt yelling at Liam like that. But it needed to be done.

Meanwhile, Louis had been lying on his bed staring at the ceiling for the past 45 minutes. Louis didn’t know what to feel, so he felt nothing. There was a knock on the door. Harry was on the other side, he was worried for his best friend, and figured he could talk to him.

“Louis?” Harry’s voice called from the other side of the door.

“Come in.” Louis voice came out small and weak. Harry opened the door and walked in, sitting next to Louis. Louis sat up and turned to harry. There was a silence before Harry spoke up.

“Louis, he had no right to,”

(If you want added effect of this moment listen to ‘Something Great’ off of the album or ‘Breakeven’ by The Script now.)

“No, Im fine. I’m happy for him and for her. Really.” Louis stated. But harry could see that he was in fact, not fine. His eyes showed hurt, betrayal and sadness. If anyone could see that it was Harry.


“She doesn’t remember me Harry. What’s the point?” Louis had begun to give up. He was giving up on her. He thought that if she didn’t remember him what was the point of being upset? He could not control what she didn’t remember. Then he remembered why she had lost her memory in the first place. His whole body started to fill with sadness. Harry watched as his friend fell apart.

“I don’t understand Harry!” Louis cried. Tears were streaming down Louis’ cheeks as he finally felt something. Hurt. Harry wrapped his arms around the crying Louis.

“I know,” Harry whispered patting Louis back as he cried on his shoulder. 

“I just want her back; I want her to remember me. Even if that means she doesn’t love me anymore. I need her back.”

Harry stayed  silent unable to say anything. How could he? What could he say to Louis to make him feel better after the words Louis had spoken?

“Well then talk to her when we go back. Tell her everything. That’s all you can do. But you also need to talk to Liam”

“I guess that’s all I can do.” Louis said between sniffles. “Thank you Harry, for being a good friend.” He looked up at harry and gave him a smile which harry returned.

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