I know you.

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*Please read this before you start scrolling down to get to the story.*

I just want to say a massive thank you to all of you. Thank you for the people who were here since day one and thank you to the people who have just started reading.  I can’t believe how far this book has come and I know I said I wouldn’t give a long speech for 1K but 2K?!?! Guys you have no idea how grateful I am that all of you have stuck with me. I just started this just under a year ago during Christmas break for fun and looking back on the first chapters, they were crap. But I just cannot believe that you guys are taking the time to read MY writing. I love reading your fangirl comments (even if there aren’t very many) It makes me smile knowing your fangirling over my work. I just can’t thank you guys enough for this! You guys are brilliant and I can’t say thank you enough! I have made amazing friends along the way and I just love being in the watt pad community! I love you all, and now, what you have been waiting for!


Aerie’s POV

It’s been a month and a half since I have gotten out of the hospital, and I was glad because being in there for two weeks straight was not fun. But I couldn’t go back to my flat, Liam wouldn’t let me. The doctor had warned me if I start seeing black spots in my vision I should call him immediately, Liam happened to be in the room at the time. So he insisted I stay with him seeing as how I live alone. But that’s what best friends are for, I guess?

So as I was kicking his bum in FIFA, my phone rang causing me to get out of my zone and leave an open goal for Liam.

“YESSSSS!” He cheered jumping up off the sofa with his arms up in the air.

“Pause it.” I mumbled as I reached for my phone.

“Hello.” I answered casually.

“Hey there!”

“hi Zayn, what’s up?”

“Nothing just wondering if you were busy?”

“well I was busy kicking Liam’s bum at FIFA but I have lost now because he won’t PAUSE IT.” I said emphasizing the last two words hoping Liam would get the message.

“Oh, I can call back later if you want,”

“no its fine, what are you up to?”

“No I was thinking about coming round so you could meet someone.”

“Is it?”


“ASHLEY!! Bring her over NOW.” I demanded. He just chuckled. Zayn met Ashley about a week after I woke up from my so called ‘coma’ and hasn’t brought her over so I can meet her. Meanie.

“Fine, Fine. We will be over in half an hour.”

“Kay byeeeee.”

“Bye Aer.”

The boys and I have gotten really close lately, I don’t understand why Liam didn’t introduce me sooner. They are great lads, very fun to hang out with.

“Zayn bringing Ashley over?”

“YESSS!” I exclaimed excitedly as I sat back down onto the couch.

“I win 8-4” Liam said proudly.

“Only because you cheated.” I said.

“Wanna play again?” He asked.

“Nah, cant, Gotta get out of these sweats and actually do my hair so I don’t look like a dead person. Sorry.” I said standing up.

“No problem, probably should go get dressed too’ He said. Walking behind me to the hall tasering  me randomly (Tasering- not those electric shock things cops use- is basically its taking two fingers and going between you hip bone and your ribcage on your sides and pushing in. It hurts A LOT) I shrieked in shock and started running down the hall with him catching up and tasering me again.

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