Love you like a love song

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~Three Months Later ~

Aerie's POV 

I wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I jolt out of bed and run downstairs to the kitchen.

"Is anything burning?" I ask cautiously as i rush into the kitchen.

"Well good morning to you too." He said.

"Seriously though is there anything on fire?"

"Do you not have any faith at all in me?" He gasps turning to me and giving me a look of mock hurt.

"With you cooking, none whatsoever." I tease. 

"I'm so glad that my girlfriend has such high thoughts of me." He replies smiling.

"well the last time you attempted to cook you set fire to the stove."

"I dont recall such thing." He crossed his arms causing me to giggle. 

"Well thank you for making breakfast." I said and wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed his cheek. "it smells good."

"Why thank you." He said kissing the top of my forehead. He walked over to the cupboard and took out two plates and started to pile on eggs and bacon onto them.

I walked over and grabbed the kettle and filled it with some water.

"Any plans for today?" I asked.

"Me and the boys have to do some PR stuff today before we head back on the road, so ill be gone until dinner." He informed me.

"Oh okay."I say and set the kettle on the hub I was a bit disappointed because ever since he had recovered they have piled him with interviews and meet ups, not to mention the fact that everyone wants to know what happened to Louis Tomlinson. So i dont get to see him often, usually its only for an hour. But he is living his dream, and thtas all that matters.

"I know it sucks babe." He said with a sigh. I think that even he thinks its a bit too much at the moment.  "but I think that Thursday i only have an interview in the morning so we can spend the day togther."

"I cant. The trial is then."  I was super nervous to have to face her again. I still got anxiety attacks and night terrors from, what happened. Louis was against the idea of me being i the same room as her, claiming that his management could take care of it. but it wasnt their problem to take care of.

He sighed seeing my nervous expression and walked over wrapping his arms around me. "Well you dont have to worry, I'll be there, right beside you the whole time."  he kissed the top of my head. Knowing that he would be there was reassuring.

"I love you so much." I mumbled against his chest.

"I love you too."


"I still cant believe you have to have a trial, like honestly how much evidence do you need for god sake's?!" Ashley exclaimed.

"I guess there are just somethings they need to clear up?"

"What is there to clear up, she kidnapped you, hurt you and threatened both yours and Louis well being, end of story."

I cringed and looked down into my cup of tea. her expression softened.


"its fine."

"It just doesnt make sense, she should be locked away for good not roaming about while the trial goes on."

"Oh well, security will be around 24/7 as precautions." I s

"there could be one million security men, its a matter of you feeling safe in your own home."

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