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"I can't do this." I told him.

"Of course you can." He said reassuringly.

"No, I cant." I choked out as I feel the lump form in my throat. I was anxious and with every second that passed my anxiety level rose. It was happening again, the panic, the fear, and I was about to be confronted with it again.

"Hey, yes you can, I'll be right beside you. She cant get to you, i wont let her. You are so unbelievably strong, and you can do this. The best part is, that after this its all over, then you can live your life happily without her." he says and holds me closer. we stand there for what feels like hours before we pull apart. 

"Okay." I whisper. The anxiety and fear never faded but it never will, this was the closest it was going to get.

"I'll be beside you the whole time" He says grabbing my hand and I hold on to it for dear life as he opens the door and we walk in. all the eyes shift to us.

 His thumb runs over the top of my hand in reassurance. i take my first step, there was no going back now. i take it one step at a time.





I can do this, after all this is over, i dont ever have to see her again.





After all of this i can start my life and move on.





What if she makes it out? what if she comes back?





All eyes are on me, they can see right through me, all of my scars and broken bones.





I cant do this.

I stop dead in my tracks, i cant breath. I find myself gasping for air. 

Quiet now, or they will hear you

Her voice haunts me.

"Hey, im right here, you can do this." He says beside me.

I hold his hand tighter and i feel him flinch under the sudden pressure but i am in no state of mind to care. I was terrified and he knew it.

"a few more steps then you can sit down." He says reassuringly.

I take a deep breath to calm myself down and continue to walk. I couldn't be happier when we make it to the table and I sit down.

We sit there for no more then a minute.

"All rise for the judge." Someone announces.

My anxiety level doubles.

The judge walks in.

I watch her every move because I'm afraid to look anywhere else. That is until i hear the door open and I flinch, I know what is going to happen now. 

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