Be My Superman

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I woke up in a dark room, not remembering how or when I had got here. I couldn't remember any of the previous events.

My head was pounding; excruciating pain surging through my head and I wince in pain, trying to bring my hands up to my head In hopes to soothe my terrible headache But I was unable to move. I wasn't at home, I was on a chair tied up.

My heart raced and all of the air in my lungs had drained out and I desperately gasped for air as I panicked. I tried to shake my self out of whatever was tying me down but the more I moved the tighter they seemed to get.

I let out a scream of frustration as tears welled up in my eyes. Why was I here? who did this? when will I get out? Will I get out? The truth is that I was terrified of the answer.

My struggle to break free came to a halt when I heard feet.

"Help!" I screamed. The feet stopped.

"Help me!" The door opened.

"Oh honey nobody can hear you." a feminine voice said through the darkness. The voice seemed all to familiar.

"Why are you doing this?" I cried.

"Because of you I have lost everything. You deserve this."

"I didn't mean to do anything"

"Shut up!" She yelled

She turned on a light and I looked around the small, dimly lit room. Besides her and I there was a chair and a lightbulb hanging from a hole ceiling a meter away from me that was providing light.

Just then two men walked into the room.

"Took you long enough." she sneered.

They stayed silent.

"Now let's get to business."

"Now, every command I give you you will do it or else."

"W-what are you going to do to me?" I asked weakly.

"Rule number one, never speak unless spoken to."

She took out a knife from her pocket that I hadn't noticed and sliced my leg. I screamed in pain.

"Rule number two, You will not resist us" she said gliding her knife lightly over my arm.

"Now why don't we call those little boy toys of yours shall we?" she asked scrolling through my phone.

"Hmm now who first, Liam, maybe Harry, who knows how many you've screwed." then her face contorted into an evil grin.

"Or Louis."

I shook my head rapidly, unable to speak.

She clicked on a name and it dialled the number.

"Aerie I swear to god. where are you?!"

"Well sorry she's not available at the moment."

"Louis help me!" I screamed before someone's hand went over my mouth.

"What are you doing to her?! let her go."

She walks closer to me and brings out her knife again.

"I can't just simply let her go now can I?"

She brought the knife to my arm and presses down until blood surfaced and dragged it slowly down my arm making me scream out in antagonizing pain.

"Stop! Please! Don't hurt her please." he pleads. "What do you want me to do?"

"Now I'm sure you want her safe, so I'll make it easy. don't call the cops, don't bring anybody, and come find me by tomorrow night and she won't die."

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