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Aerie's POV

I left with tears in my eyes. Jenna ran up to me.

"Aerie what the fuck did he do?"

I couldn't answer, I couldn't talk, I did what I did best, I ran. Ran out the doors into the crowd who was waiting for One Direction, for Louis. I kept my head down and ran past everyone screaming my name. I heard the door open and the fans erupt in screams.

Shit. Shit. Don't freaking follow me.

I ran because I wanted to be alone. I dropped my guitar my bag containing my phone, wallet and other items and ran faster then before.

I hit a park, I was sure no one could find me. There was nobody there. Just me. Perfect.

A couple of very tall trees stood farther along the path. I walked to the tree and climbed high enough that I could not be seen. I swung my feet at the leaves.




The voice wasn't Louis', but it wasn't feminine.

"Where the heck are you?" the voice said.

I looked down and saw, Liam?

"Oh god, where is she?" He said looking very worried.

Just then, my foot kicked a branch and Liam looked up.



"What are you doing up there?" Liam asked.

"Thinking, hiding, running" I said looking down at him.

"You do realize your sitting not running." He laughed trying to lighten the mood.

"We'll I was before." I said.

"May I come up?" He asked

"Oh the famous pop star knows how to climb tall trees?" I said sarcastically

"Yes, yes he does." He said proudly. He walked to the tree and climbed up and sat beside me.

"Wow I'm impressed!" I said. He laughed.

"What's on your mind?" He asked. I knew where he was going with this.


"Well tell me, I have time." He said. I leaned back against the trunk of the tree and sighed.

"No I cant, I dont want to bore you to deth with my insanely long ranting." I say.

"No, no, it's my specialty. Talk to me." I give him a questioning look. "go on."

"Well the fact that Louis just gave Elounor a promise ring. How he doesn't believe the girl he has known his whole life but he does for someone he has known for what, like three months and never bothered telling me about her? He has changed since the last time I have seen him." I stray tear rolled down my cheek. There was a long silence.

"And the fact that I think that I might be in love with him."

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