Happily Ever After

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  • Dedicated to Every Single One Of You

I take in a deep breath, as I hear a zip and breath out.

"There." Ashley finishes and stands up.

"You look wonderful." Jenna admires through the mirror.

"Thank you." I say. "How much time do we have?"

"Half an hour." Jenna replies.

"Getting anxious?" Ashley asks.


I hear a chuckle and turn around to see Louis' mum followed my my mum.

"You look beautiful love." She compliments. I look to see my mum almost in tears.

"My baby. So grown up." She sniffles.

I laugh out of nervousness. I am so nervous.

what if he changes his mind?

"Stop over thinking this." Ashley says from behind me, looking at me through the mirror.

"I cant help it."

"Well any doubt you have should be gone, Zayn just texted me, hes as nervous as you are, but hes excited."



Her comment lifted some of my nerves but how could you not be nervous on a day like today?

"Five minutes!" my dad says poking is head in.


"Oh princess you look beautiful." He said walking in and pulling me into a big hug.

"Right, we need to get your head band thing on and then we are ready." Jenna says.

I walk back over to the mirror and watch her place it onto my head.

"Now your are ready." Jenna says.

"Now the real question, are you actually ready?" Ashley asks.

I take a deep breath.


(listen to 18 off of the boys new album on repeat until the end of the chapter for full effect)

"Its time." Louis' mum says walking back through the door. Her and my mum exit together to go find their places outside.

"Alright. Lets do this." Ashley says and we line up and one by one each of the girls all file out the house and into the back garden with each of the groomsmen. Ashley with Zayn, the maid of honnor and the best man, Jenna and Harry, Lottie and Niall and Fizzy and Liam.

Next is my turn, I take a deep breath and look over at my dad standing beside me. He gives me a look as if asking me you ready for the rest of my life? I nod and we start walking.

When I step out of the large house and into the back garden everyone stands. I look straight ahead and see Louis, standing at the end of the aisle. He gives me a big smile and i cant help but let my own shine through as i keep walking closer to him.

When we reach the end Louis walks up and takes my hand from my dad's.

"You look so beautiful" He mouths as we stand in front of everyone. We keep our eyes on each other the whole time, not bothering to break the moment as the priest begins talking.

"Welcome, family and friends to this special day."

I love this man so very much.

"We are gathered here to witness the marriage between two people who love each other very much."

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