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I got a text from one of Louis bandmates, Liam, telling me where the concert is held, so I grabbed my guitar and my song book and got into my car. Thankfully, Jenna didnt have to work so I could bring her along, she wanted to see Harry anyways. I waited outside Jenna's door for a few minutes before she came out.

"Sorry, I had to feed my dog." she said with the look of sorry planted on her face.

"Thats okay, but I need to go quickly or I'm going to be late for sound check."

We drove to London in an hour, and arrived on time for soundcheck. I ran in with my guitar, song book and Jenna in tow. When we were inside, I was greeted by a tall, musular man. "Paul right?"


"Hi im Aerianna Johnsonn, the closing act."

"Oh, right this way Aerie. Who is this?" he asked pointing to Jenna.

"My friend Jenna. I believe you met before?"

"Oh, no we haven't, nice to meet you Jenna, right this way." Paul said escorting us to my dressing room after imforming to producers that I had arrived. 

"Okay, so you can stay backstage so you can watch the boys preform a couple of songs for sound check, before they head into hair and make-up while your preforming. Then, once you're done, you will get your make up done." the producer explained and I nodded along.


I walked down the narrow hall to the dressing room

When I got there, there was a girl waiting for me with a outfit in her hand.

"Hi, you must be Aerie? I'm Cassie, and I'll be your stylist." she said holding out her free hand and I shook it.

"Hi Cassie."

"Okay here is your outfit, quickly change, and then I can do your hair and make-up." She said and left the room.

Jenna went to go sit on the couch in the dressing room while I put on the outfit putting my other clothes in my bag I had with me.

I called Cassie in when I was finished and she sat me down in a styling chair. she did my hair in curls, and did my make up. When she was done I was shocked, I have to admit she did an amazing job.

"So, what do you think?" she asked

"I'm speechless, if I said it looks amazing that would be an understatment. Thank you so much."

"You're very welcome." She said. "Now get ready, you're going to go on soon."

"Okay. Thank you again."

The boys concert was over half way done and they sound amazing. Saying I was nervous didnt even compare to how I was actually feeling. The song I was singing, no one has ever heard, because it was a song I wrote in the summer but no one would know, hopefully. I was standing backstage listening to them singing the chorus of Up All Night, jumping up and down having the time of their lives. Louis however, looked somewhat restrained. I hadnt seen him since the day I "slapped" Eleanor. Jenna tried to help by telling him what she saw but he wouldnt believe her becuase his Eleanor was crying saying that I hit her. Lies that made my life worse and spread Louis and I farther and farther apart.


"Well I've got a song to sing to a very special girl, the girl I love." 

My eyes widened and Jenna came running to my side giving a death glare direc.

Tears froming in my eyes. Why was I feeling this? He's in love with another girl. He's my bestfriend, not my boyfriend.

"This very special girl's name is Eleanor."

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