Goodbyes pt.1

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Aerie’s POV

Tomorrow Liam was leaving. He was leaving for his European tour with the boys, it made me upset that I would come home to an empty flat every day. Even though I was upset, I was proud. I was proud of Liam and his band making it this far. They were going to be gone for a month and a half. I would miss having all of them around.

Right now Liam was out getting us Chinese food and I had spent my time alone worrying about what was going to happen in less than 24 hours. And frankly the more I thought about it the more upset I got. I decided to watch one of the many episodes of Breaking Bad that was put on the DVR very kindly by Liam, while I was in the hospital. I was about halfway through the episode when the door opened and in walked Liam carrying two bags of the food.

“Sorry it took so long the streets were busy.” He explained.

“No problem.“

“Ok let’s eat. It took a lot of willpower not to eat it on the way home.” He said honestly

He unpacked the boxes of Chinese food from the bag and set it on the table, I got some plates and set them out on the table. We both sat down and started piling our plates with the delicious food.

“Oh my god. I missed having Chinese food.”

“It only been a week.” He laughed.

“So, I would eat it every day if I could.”

After we had finished stuffing our faces in Chinese, we watched a couple of movies while cuddled up on the couch. I ended up falling asleep only to be woken up the next morning by Liam.

“Aer, Aer wake up. We gotta leave soon.”

“ugh, do you have to?” I groaned rolling over.

“Yes. If you don’t wanna come I’ll just leave now.” He said.

“No, no, I’ll come. Just give me five minutes.”

“Okay” he said. He gave me a kiss and left the room.

I got ready by throwing on a sw3eater  and some leggings not really caring about make up I threw my hair up into a bun. It was 6 in the morning, I really  didn’t care how I looked.

It was madness at the airport. Screaming girls in the hundreds waiting outside, holding banners and things for the boys to sign. As we stepped out of the car the screams heightened and became ear piercing. Some of them had tears streaming down their faces. It took a lot of dedication to be out here at 6 in the morning. once we were all out of the car, the boys faces lit up, despite it being early they had huge smiles on their faces that were in no way forced. They all walked over to the mass of screaming girls.

“AERIANNA!!” I heard someone scream. I looked up, I couldn’t find the person who had called my name.

“AERIANNA!” the person yelled again. And I saw someone wave their hands. I walked over to them.

“Oh my gosh! I can’t believe it’s you!!! Aghhh!” she said. “I’m a HUGE fan! Can you please sign this?” she held out a picture of me on stage and a sharpie.

“Of course” I said with a smile. “What’s your name love?”

“Shay.” She said. I signed my name.

“Okay, Shay. Here you go.” I said handing back her picture.

“Thank you so much!!! Could I get a picture too?”

“definitely.” She smiled brightly and took out her phone and we took a picture.

“Please keep singing Aerianna. Your absolutely amazing at it.”

“Thanks Shay. I’ve got to go now but tag me in the picture on twitter.” I smiled. We exganged goodbyes and I walked over to the group of boys.

“who was that?” Liam asks as we all start walking to their terminal.

“A fan.” I said with a smile.

“Ooh really.”


Once we got to the terminal one of their managers walked up to them.

“Okay boys, the flight boards in 5 minutes, say your goodbyes.”

I hugged each of them  leaving Liam and Louis for last. I needed to apologize to Louis for my acting up. So I stopped in front of Louis. He smiled awkwardly. I opened my arms and he gave me a hug.

“Hey I’m really sorry for the way I acted last week. I- I just.”

“don’t worry. It’s in the past.” He said and we pulled out of the hug. He gave me a warm smile.

Last was Liam, who I was going to miss the most. Our late night games of FIFA. Eating Chinese every Thursday. I was going to miss him. All of them.

“Flight 4987 now boarding.”

I gave Liam a big hug and when I pulled away his lips crashed into mine.

“I’m going to miss you so much.” He whispered.

(3rd person POV (I’ve never tried this so bear with me ))

Louis looked at the two of them hugging wishing he could’ve done something, anything to make her remember. As she pulled out of the hug Louis picked up his bags and turned around to see them kissing. It hit him like a ton of bricks, he felt like his legs would give way. He looked over at the others and they all had the same expression. Niall looked over to see a broken Louis standing there watching the girl he loved kiss his best friend. He couldn’t help but feel betrayed for Louis that Liam would do such a thing. Everyone did.

When they had finally pulled away, Liam had whispered something to her that she had returned. The question on the boys minds was not what had they said, it was how long had this been going on? How long had they all been in the dark for? All of the boys felt betrayed by Liam one way or another. They all knew how much Louis had loved the girl. But they had all knew how much he had hurt her as well.  They all had thought Louis did not deserve her because he had chosen Eleanor, but that, was in no way an invitation for any of his friends to date her.

Aerie looked back at all of them, all of the boys suppressing their shocked faces to be replaced with a small smile.  

“You guys have fun on your tour. You rock it.” She said giving a small smile. Her eyes being pricked by tears because she was going to miss them while they were gone. The boys waved good bye and boarded their flight. No one uttered a word. 4/5 of them in utter shock of what they had seen just less than 5 minutes ago.  Liam had made the assumption that everyone was tired due to the earliness of the day but unfortunate for him when they had stepped into their hotel he was going to realize that his assumption was, in fact, very wrong.

A/N I wanna thankall of you for an amazing year!! 5K we made it!! this is the last update of 2013 and its now 11:59 omg! Happy new year and thanks so much for sticking with me! see you guys in 2014!

-Hailey xx

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